AlwaysGame4Life Podcast

Snapshots from Life: A Blend of Wildlife, Energy and Adventure

Mark Russell/Rick Toochin Season 2 Episode 12

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Looking back on our journey, we reflect on a myriad of experiences, from enduring back pain following car mishaps to unlocking the healing power of massage therapy. Sprinkling in stories of youthful abilities to see auras, we spill the beans on how these colorful visions are reemerging. Daring to tap into the frequencies that attract birds, we delve into the solace we find in birdwatching, especially during the chilly winter months. So pull up a chair, this episode is a curious mix of personal anecdote, wildlife fascination, and life's little joys.

Taking you through the tranquility of Goldbridge, British Columbia, we are joined by a special guest who shares his tale of working on a bird project in the area. Imagine standing toe-to-toe with grizzly bears, observing moose in their natural habitat, and devouring delicious grub at a local pub. Topping it all, a breathtaking helicopter ride over Triangle Island gives you a snapshot of its raw beauty. As we stumble upon an abandoned village, rich with remnants of the past, the air thickens with mystery. What stories do these forgotten buildings hold? 

In this hat-trick of adventure, wildlife, and positivity, we leave you with stunning pictures from our escapades, particularly, a helicopter ride over the captivating Triangle Island. The excitement is bubbling, and we can't wait to share more snapshots from our ventures. Remember, nothing beats spreading love and positivity. So wrap yourself in the warmest of purple auras and embrace the game of life. Until next time, stay blessed and take care, dear listeners.

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"Be good to each other and love one another because life is always game for us, so let's be always game for life!"

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Always game for life(original) written and performed by Jason Halderson

Alwaysgame4life(We stand united)(original) written by Mark Russell
Facebook: @alwaysgame4life

Speaker 1:

Wow, hey, and welcome back to it. Another one on the always game for life podcast, where we come together, share stories, connect and maybe even have a few laughs. It is so good to be back. As always, my apologies for a little bit of a late video Today's, but I'm back. We're gonna start today. Why?

Speaker 3:

don't we start at the beginning?

Speaker 1:

then we'll give them a middle start and then we'll give it the end.

Speaker 3:

And then we'll do a parallel loop and we'll start at the end, we'll go to the middle and we'll go back to the beginning, and then a loop around, and then that energy will just keep flowing and flowing. It's, it's like all these things are in my mind, man, and like I can't handle it. Man, I got it, oh, my god anyway. Well, we went for a walk today and it was marvelous.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we got wet feet, you know, we went in the marsh, got some Virginia rails. He finally got to see some, albeit briefly, but you know, it's okay. The first time you get a glimpse, and then you you want more, and that was fun. That was fun yeah we went looking for owls today that were might have been roosting. I found tons of sign that they've been there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, for sure didn't find one.

Speaker 3:

But we did find one last week, so you know it's okay, it's a ying in a yin. There we go next time we'll find five different species all sitting in one tree and we're gonna go holy cow. This energy is just too much, man. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So you?

Speaker 1:

know, wow, that would be.

Speaker 3:

That would be wild, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, we had a good. We had a good day and I hadn't seen this. It's the weekend, so since last time. Yes, so you know, I'm glad that everything is okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was down for two days, yeah you know, you know, I had a I don't know back few years ago, maybe six, seven years. Well, I was in a car accident. I got T boned and in the hit-and-run, lovely and. Yeah, my shoulder it gets sore and then it goes up the neck. Yeah, it gives them a headache.

Speaker 3:

I've had the same Hit from behind when I was a 19 year old hit-and-run whiplash, years of damage in my neck. Now I'm okay, but I mean it took a lot of therapy and stuff Physiotherapy, and that's where, oh yeah no, I went through a lot of physiotherapy up after that, yeah they had to massage that muscle back down to my shoulder. Yep, mine was scar tissue. They had to get break it all up and then sort of let it heal and get strong and yeah, so I've been there.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, yeah, you got that right. When going and getting the massages oh my god, that is. That was so nice. Oh, it's the most relaxing thing.

Speaker 3:

You know I keep telling my son, be a massage therapist. You can heal everyone and do what you always want to do heal the world.

Speaker 3:

Oh yes if everybody got back massage is done professionally I mean every single person on this planet on a regular basis, we'd all be just like oh yeah, man, why are we fired? Man, let's just get yeah, without the drugs. Just yeah, natural, right, this, wow, you know, but yeah, so yeah, I understand, I've been there. Yeah, I used to get terrible pains in my neck and stuff. Oh god, I'm just giving headaches and things and then knock on wood. It's been okay for a number of years now.

Speaker 1:

Better not. I had a good weekend, you know. I had my boy over and no, guys came over. Yeah, yeah, we had a blast, you know your boy was with my boy and it was over. Yeah, good time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah good time, and we just kind of Did a chill thing on Sunday. We didn't do a thing, we just kind of went. Okay, we had a really good weekend, you know, now we're just gonna chill. You know we went saw my folks on Saturday and that was a lot of fun and you know the grandparents it's kind of like we love you, son.

Speaker 2:

But let's see that grandson, you know.

Speaker 3:

It's totally normal.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, but we actually we left really late and got home late. So I like I just told me on Sunday we're just gonna be chilling man. He's like all right.

Speaker 1:

It was great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's good weekend with him and and good energy, actually really good energy. I'm sorry you were going there, but I had a good energy weekend. It was nice. You know, sometimes the weekends can be, at this time of year, flaky, but yeah, so I was telling you about Energy in the sense of, or energy and. When I was a kid. I Don't know if there's any other people out there. Hopefully they can let us know. I could see Color around people in the sense of a light around everyone, actual light, an aura light.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay and I Never really thought much of it till I started talking about it when I was like four and five and six and stuff, to my, my sister and my mom and they're like, whoa, that's got a different. Yeah, now I lost it over the years but I'm getting it back lately and I think what it is is I'm feeding into that positive energy and I'm believing in that wow energy so much that it's coming back and I'm seeing it again like I can see it around you right now, that just the nice. It's not like bright or anything, but you can see this aura of Sort of white, yellow light and that's how most people are.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad I'm glowing.

Speaker 3:

This was the thing when I was a kid. I kind of knew that there was something off about someone, because every now and again you'd get this black light around somebody. It would really scare the heck out of them or red. They seem to be kind of bad colors, but I would also get purple.

Speaker 3:

I'd get yellow and green and Not orange very often, but mostly like a yellow gold, and the most common one was yellow gold. But I would get these different colors and I never really understood what they were. But I know it's energy Right. So I've been really working on positivity and, like I say, I think what it is. You, you put that energy out and you get it back when you, when you're positive, you have to be in the ill positive tracks, positive. You can't have any negative thoughts, right, just you meditate positive. Mmm, it's probably some higher conscious thing, maybe it's dimensional shift, I don't know. I just know that it comes from somewhere and it's really interesting and I I've been getting that a lot lately and Like at night I sleep in a pitch-black room.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

There's no light in my room at all and if I start Doing this sort of meditative thing, this little bit of a glow goes really bright and I'll actually get these weird Color vortexes coming off my arms, in my hands. That where they'll shift from purple to you know. So there's a white light. It's crazy stuff. No, I don't have a brain tumor, it's nothing like that. Just in case some of you out there going around no, not that. But it's really why I didn't know. I mean, do you get that sort of thing or do you sense that type of energy around people? Or because some people maybe get it.

Speaker 1:

I don't see it. Oh, okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I know. I know a lot of people Consense it and I wonder if that's what they're sensing. I wish there's a way we could find out. It's just I've been really enjoying this. It's a very positive experience, obviously.

Speaker 2:

And then I just want to share that with people.

Speaker 3:

Because it's crazy. But I mean, I remember as a kid there was this person that we came across in the mall and and they were an older person and I remember that the color was going reddish to black and I don't know. Maybe they died shortly after that. Maybe that was the soul leaving or something, I don't know, but it was. It kind of scared me. I didn't see it very often, it was a very rare thing. Usually it's just the standard thing you see in drawings and stuff, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah so I'm just wondering if we put out that positive energy is, that would grows out and grabs and attracts the other energy around us.

Speaker 1:

Food for thought definitely food for thought. I mean anything is possible. I mean I noticed.

Speaker 3:

I've noticed it, like when we're birding you're in that nature, energy and and when we, when we both seem to be connecting, it just seems like it all happens the birds come to us. Really neat things come to us and. I'm just wondering if that's what we're tapping into. Is that?

Speaker 1:

Even today, all the time when I go, especially when we're standing out there, you actually went and fueled.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we got wet today. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Who's worth it but the?

Speaker 1:

sun was out for a short bit and, yeah, usually I stand there, I guess, while you're doing your thing. Oh sure and I close my eyes and I just Breathe through my nose deeply, without my mom, and then I just focus on the sound. So like each birds call or chip or you know, and it's really neat. Oh, yeah, yeah and then I open my eyes back up and all of a sudden, like you know, you got so that's what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

You're bringing them in through meditative energy.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I just I get the stuff coming in.

Speaker 3:

I mean, pretty good but when you're around. It's like you know. I turn around like the thing sitting right beside me. It's like whoa, what's going on? Ah, it's Mark's energy, okay.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'm gonna start doing that. I mean I, I do that in my own way, but the way you're doing it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That must be attracting them more. You know, that is really interesting. Oh wow, okay, well, we gotta, we gotta, put this to the test next time we go, Because that's, that's pretty cool. I like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is. It's really cool. I mean it. What's really neat, is it really? Once you're breathing and your eyes are closed, everything just magnifies. So, like each chip each note each call. It's incredible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then I open on it's like you know, I kind of do that with my eyes open, in the way that I'm listening and and and projecting my hearing way out there, right Sure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Inevitably we try attracting birds and you know, a helicopter goes over or today a semi truck leaned on its horn. I guess someone cut him off and it was like 10 seconds 20 seconds, 30 seconds, it wasn't a stop.

Speaker 3:

He leaned on the horn 40 seconds, 50 seconds. Well, we're at a minute now. I mean we're just there, they're going. Okay, can you stop now? I mean I'd like to see what's here. You know that he finally stopped and we're looking at you Like whoa man, and then and then, but then did the thing, and you're doing your thing, and then all the birds popped up. So you know, waiting helped. Obviously we hit the right moment, or frequent. Maybe it's a frequency thing. Actually, what I think about. Maybe you're tapping into the frequency there on, you're reaching that and you're bringing them with the energy to us, Cause you're hitting it on their tone, their level, their frequency.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Very possible, I don't know but it's there's something to that it's gotta be. That's it we're going to get the electrodes we're going to hook our brains up to machines.

Speaker 3:

We're going birding with whole kinds of equipment. Man, we're going to, we're going to get this work done. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Start doing experiments. Um, that'll look really funny. Yeah, we're walking by.

Speaker 3:

It's weird enough, we're walking around in areas where people don't go, and that's like what are those people doing with those machines on their heads? Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

No, anything's possible. I mean, the reason behind it for me is I just find my center and when I'm out there I can use.

Speaker 3:

That's the whole idea you know is is define your happy place. And yeah, yeah, that works for us. I hope it works for other people too.

Speaker 1:

You know it is very Zen. It is, it was really cool today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, was there a little swamp sparrow friend. He's kind of the interesting guy hanging out in the group right now of sparrows. We were walking around. He showed himself today, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't believe that.

Speaker 3:

They normally are really like skulky things, and it must have been. The energy was just perfect between us because he, he, he just popped right up like okay, mark, what's going on? I think that's what's going on. It's not me anymore, it's you. It's like oh, mark's here, oh, let's get up there. Okay, hey, mark, how you doing? Yeah, oh, it used to be me, but now it's working. No, I, I, I.

Speaker 1:

I just can't Too much.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm just kidding, but but I mean anything's possible.

Speaker 1:

It was a good day. I just enjoy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was a good day, and I'm I'm hoping what will happen is uh, as we continue to do this through the winner, if we can keep getting out like this, it'll help you not get down and and or, if you do go down, it'll bring it back up really quickly, you know, and then that's what. That's what's really good about that technique and like depression with wintertime. And that is the exercise, the meditative state, the connection with nature, the energy.

Speaker 3:

It will really if you let it in, it'll this pause and stuff will elevate you up and it'll levitate you up so you just don't feel bad.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I certainly have had my fair share of depression over the years and I know you know sucks and this is one way that's a really fun way to do it, where you kind of don't have to take a pill or you know just anything like that. You do it naturally. I prefer that personally, if I can get away with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, yeah, so do I. You know, the outdoors is just my zen. It's just the way it is.

Speaker 3:

We got to get Mark on some crazy adventures like what I was telling you guys about before it's going to have to happen.

Speaker 3:

He needs to see places and go to some really wild places, I mean like wilderness places, cause, as much as we love going, these urban parks and stuff it is the middle of the city, so you're not really ever far away from car noises or helicopters, you know. But you get out there and then it's wonderful Cause then you really start feeling it Like you'll, you'll, you'll elevate quickly cause you're in nature, right.

Speaker 3:

So, that's what we're going to do, whether it's during the winter or next spring. Stay tuned, we're going to have some wacky wild adventures. Ooh, I like that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just love places I want to visit and I love to go back to Goldbridge.

Speaker 3:

Just just uh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the nice place, like I know, the original mine is going. Obviously that they took it down just after I went there and filmed it, so but you got the photos.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but um, I'm pretty sure the what's left of the original town is still standing up there.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure it must be actually yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the people I met there are really cool, so it'd be nice to see them again. And the food that they're that one little pub there oh, I've eaten there when I was there. Yes, yes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I know what you're talking about yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, that was good when I worked on the bird project up there and we we had grizzly bears, which was really cool, and of course the guy I'm working with goes. You know, I said, are you worried? He goes. Oh, no, I'm not worried, I cannot run you. I said, oh, can you now?

Speaker 2:

Of course the bear is looking at it. I was like, yeah, whatever.

Speaker 3:

They were back eating you, but um, it's so beautiful there and I it's one of the only. It's the only places that ever happened to me. We were up in the hills doing the surveys and we had our pickup truck that we were working. It was a company truck and my boss blew three tires at the same time Good grief.

Speaker 1:

I've had two go.

Speaker 3:

Obviously one, but three. It's a new record, sir. I mean holy cow. So we had, we had radio right and we had to radio back to base. Long story short, they sent out a helicopter with the tires. Wow, and and what service right and so we're in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 3:

This helicopter comes in and and Steve goes. You know what you can. You can go for a nice ride, don't worry about it. And I'm like you, sure, I mean I kind of want to help you. You know that's a lot. He goes ah, I'm going to be here all day doing this, don't worry about it, go have fun. So the pilot took me over the glacier and I got to see the whole air from the air. Oh, wow, what a spectacular place. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, tucked away place that you no one would ever think to really go. There's no, you know, the highways are not really major routes through there. You have to go. It's a back area, right? So you have to really think about. Beautiful place, beautiful, oh my God. Oh my God, really cool.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can understand you like it that way, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I definitely want to get out to the the troupe knees out there. A lot of amazing stuff out there. Beautiful country there oh man that I mean.

Speaker 3:

I worked in the Rocky Mount Trench one summer on birds. I've been everywhere, guys, and it was wild, it was just wild, you know. That was where I had a. I had to be up at these crazy hours because it was North and McBride, which is up in northern part of BC, so we had to be up to do songbirds. Well, songbirds get up at the sun. So you're up, you're going out to work at 1 30 in the morning and you're getting to your sites for 2 33 in the morning to start work and when it's twilighty before the sun comes up but they're all singing Holy cow.

Speaker 3:

It's a little hard on the body, but I'm driving along this, this roadway, and I was going to go and sample some spots down the road and, kind of half asleep, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, and the corner of my eye I could swear I see something jumping along beside the road keeping pace with me. I'm doing a pretty good clip. Oh, good gracious, and I kind of.

Speaker 3:

I see in something and I look over, there's this moose, just just just cruise it right. And it's like, okay, that's different, I'm not, I'm not home anymore, whoa. And I thought I better slow down. So I started decelerating quite a bit and I started to slow and then he went right across the highway and if I'd kept my speed up I wouldn't be talking to you. I'm sure you would have just blown out the car, because that's what happens.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

It was just crazy man and I was like, oh wow, I've heard stories about this, this is real, this really happens to people, you know.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, and that was the same job, a different area where I worked, but in the same trench. I think they're talking about a trench where I had to go. I think it was Valmont. There's marshes there and I had to do some sampling of birds in there. Again, moose up north right and holy cow. I'm walking on this trail it's about 3 30 in the morning and I'm trying to get out to the spot because I got to do these, this transect and stuff and I come across a mom and her calf. Holy cow. I mean, you don't want to get stomped on by a moose, that's a big, big animal, right?

Speaker 3:

She charged at me and she chased me and I had to literally dive in the marsh and start swimming for it I've got a reporting bathroom man I've swim. And then finally she, you know she backed off and she kept going and I'm like no to self. Wow, I mean bears bad idea, cougar bad idea, okay, moose bad idea. Don't get nearer than when they have young, don't do it. Yeah, I guess any mom right, you don't want to do that.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to get nearer than young.

Speaker 3:

I mean they're going to be like hey, what are you doing, you know? But uh, yeah, no, I've had some crazy stuff out and we're like oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that was nuts. And of course, everything you know, everything's soaked right, I was soaked by. All my equipment got soaked by binoculars got soaked, I'm thinking great, you know what else will happen. But that that seemed to be the like that on the other one with the car was the only two bad moose experiences. The rest were okay. But there's always something like that, it seems, when you're working out in the bush.

Speaker 1:

So it was something crazy, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I got so many of these stories. They just, I just remember them, yeah. I cause I. It's been a lot of years since I did that work, but now it comes back to me. You know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah. No, I'm dying to get back to Goldbridge man. Um there was an area that, uh, paul and I found the middle of nowhere and it's not even on the map or nothing. There's no name for it. But we found, like this it's like a town, village. There are old, old, old houses, oh wow, and it's like the middle of nowhere, right?

Speaker 3:

So they're like houses, houses, houses From. What's left of them right.

Speaker 1:

Like like 1890s. Oh, what's left of them? Yeah 1900s.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, you figure um that. Oh wow, Maybe miners. That mining town, I believe, is 1893. Right.

Speaker 3:

So these would be the miners, probably, that live there. Not, not, not, not, not, not, not forestry people, you figure they're probably just miners, eh.

Speaker 1:

I, we're guessing that yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, based on yeah. Based on based on yeah. Where uh? The timing, but you know there's probably a way to find out if you go um to the library or something you could probably find out, because that'd be really interesting. No, it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

I got, uh, I videoed the whole thing in pictures. Oh neat. And we're down there just checking out all these what's left of houses. It's like a whole town, but yet there's no sign of any name. There's no road saying it exists, there's nothing on the map.

Speaker 3:

Was it all really overgrown? Oh yeah, oh, oh, yeah, oh wow. I mean, yeah, that sounds so cool, I love it. Yeah, yeah, it was really cool, oh wow.

Speaker 1:

We found a lot of things out there like that we explore a big time, we just go through yeah, yeah, well that's how you get things.

Speaker 3:

And there's another one I got video of too. That's how you get to these lost places right In the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 1:

It blew our mind. I got video.

Speaker 3:

I will share it eventually but I'll remind them, folks don't worry.

Speaker 1:

He was driving. He was on driving this time and I look over to my right real quick and I see this wood. You know I'm like what the heck and it's way in and I go stop here, whoa.

Speaker 2:

So he stops and we, we get, we walk in Backs up you know, and we get to it and we just couldn't believe our eyes.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, the thing was huge. It was like what was left of an old cavern.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

Like that big, like it was a cavern, yeah, no it's not a small thing.

Speaker 2:

You're describing you're talking like big.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, yeah, I walked in the entrance of it.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't go up the stairs, though they were pretty broad. I wouldn't take a chance.

Speaker 3:

Oh, is that old? Yeah, you don't want to hold through that man. Oh no, but.

Speaker 1:

I did step in the bottom floor door and you know, get footage and stuff. Good, that's good. Yeah, it was incredible.

Speaker 3:

Oh. Like I just, I love things. I thought and I love it there yeah Like.

Speaker 1:

I just fell in love with gold bridge out there man.

Speaker 3:

Well, like I say, my experience was I did the bird survey work, but then, because we blew three tires, I got to see the whole thing from the air.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how am I? And that made it really cool.

Speaker 3:

for me, it was like this bonus. You know, that's a nice bonus, right there, oh yeah, so I blew the bird out of it Flew over the glacier. Oh, oh, man, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, I like not imagine, so yeah, and those mountains are pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

They're very steep. So, it just creates its own beauty and majesty. So, we're so lucky here, my God. So many other places don't have these beautiful mountains, but that place is. It's like going to Lilawet and anywhere like up in that part of BC which isn't that far from here you have to kind of go out of your way and then back in because you can't drive straight there from here, you have to kind of go a bit east and then back west.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's incredible. Found a lot of different old shelters that the miners made along the river.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

Way back. I remember on the way, the last time we went on the way not quite there yet, but on the way we stopped then we found this what's after? This old house? So I went and I videoed that. It was incredible. You don't know where it once again Wow. And then across from it, in more in the bush, we found this I don't know shack and there was even like a old I mean old outhouse.

Speaker 3:

Oh, the full spread it was incredible it was so cool to find that's wild.

Speaker 1:

I just found it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Was there anything in these buildings from the timeframe?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as a matter of fact we found a big bag of marijuana. I mean very dried, very old.

Speaker 3:

Interesting. I wasn't thinking of modern but okay. No, I just meant like, were there still like pieces of furniture in these places or were they cleared out, just the shell, like that's what I meant.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I wasn't clear out. There was stuff in it.

Speaker 3:

So these folks just left and just said okay, back we're just gonna leave stuff and we'll take what we can carry type thing, oh wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember there was a. I forgot.

Speaker 3:

I checked for a year Like if there's a bed or something they couldn't really carry. They're just gonna leave it, I guess, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I checked for the year but there was like an old, old, old mag in the outhouse.

Speaker 3:

Oh, really, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like old, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Hadn't rotten or anything Hadn't rotted away or Probably weathered.

Speaker 1:

You know it's cold and it's warm but it's inside the outhouse.

Speaker 3:

That's really amazing. You know, you think over time that would have just decomposed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean parts of it were going. I mean it was getting Okay okay, but it was in good shape for what I expected.

Speaker 3:

Do you remember how old it was?

Speaker 1:

Oh Lord, I don't remember exactly, cause I mean I looked and looked for you know a date or some date or you know, but I mean you can definitely tell it was old, just by.

Speaker 3:

Sure sure, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, wow. Information and pictures, and you know like you can tell.

Speaker 1:

That's so neat. Wow, yeah, yeah, that's what I like doing. I love exploring and discovering things.

Speaker 3:

You can find that type of stuff, like on Vancouver Island as well, and in the interior, especially where there was, like you say, mining towns or logging communities that are no longer there. That's where you find that kind of stuff, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Another place we checked out and went to was Trinkwheel. That was a neat place.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a neat place.

Speaker 1:

I've been there yeah, because at the time it was near the end of COVID there. But we went and you know I respected them. But I talked to the owners to ask if I can walk through the old mental asylum, the old men's asylum. Oh are you brave and yeah, due to the COVID thing no problem. But they said definitely come back and we'll open the gate for you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. You gotta really protect your energy in a place like that. A lot of bad stuff would happen there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, you don't wanna get that bad juubjuub in you man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it was first used. Oh God, I think it was for tuberculosis.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so a lot of people could have died there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because if you go downstairs and underneath there's tunnels that go all through and it goes from the hospital right to each house in Tranquil, the little town right. And I think that's because during those times this is my theory is they didn't want to scare the people and the children, so they just brought the dead or the sick through the tunnels to the hospital right, rather than all through the town.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, that is so bizarre Wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's my theory. I don't know. It makes sense to me a bit.

Speaker 3:

You gotta go to the archive and see if you can find out more about that, because that's pretty neat stuff. Someone's written that up somewhere you could look at it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh wow. Yeah, for sure Wow.

Speaker 3:

Well, I remember coming across stuff when I used to work in the bush where you could tell people had been there, Sometimes in weird places where you think you know, probably not too many people have been here, but we were on Mears Island and we ended up doing a transit over by where Captain Vancouver had taken some trees out and they haven't logged that section since. So it's all. At least this was 30 years ago, I don't know, maybe now they have it. You could see where they had tapped the trees and brought them down the remains of, and he used them for the ships, right. That was amazing because you think of the equipment they're using, super primitive stuff right, like that would have been huge labor intensive to cut down these mammoth trees with the type of stuff they had on that ship. So that was pretty neat. But what you're talking about is another level.

Speaker 2:

That's another level, I mean, you know like wow, spooky you know, I love it, man, I don't know, I mean okay, this is where we're different.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm good Another place I went and found was this old very old cemetery. I walked through and filmed.

Speaker 3:

Those are interesting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, it was just, I love it, I love cemeteries.

Speaker 3:

I call me weird, strange, whatever, but yeah, and you know what, when you go out east on the East Coast and you get these really old cemeteries they're, they have beautiful habitats in them of old trees and shrubs and bushes and things. They're great for bird watching. Oh, wow, so you know. I mean, we're in, where were we? We were in Halifax, somewhere might have been Heartland Point or something. And Mitch and I are walking around and we end up in the cemetery and I start seeing these stones saying Titanic unknown, titanic unknown. They buried a lot of the Titanic people who drowned and didn't know who these people were. They just buried them there. It was crazy. It was like whoa, this is interesting. And and then you look at how old the headstones- are because it's the East Coast.

Speaker 3:

They go way back right. And you're right, there's a lot of interesting stories in cemeteries. Not that I, you know, make a point of going there, but if I happen upon one I actually do go and walk around check it out. It's pretty interesting. I'm sure the spirits of the people there really enjoy having company once in a while they're like oh, someone's visiting, hey, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Maybe, but yeah, that in Maine too. When I was in Maine there was a couple of places that were really popular birding spots and they were cemeteries. So you know, you just stick to the paths. I'm not walking on someone's gravestone, so don't worry. But it was like you know these places, right, yeah, so yeah, that's so true.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, yeah, there's so many places I want to visit, so much out there, so many like ghost towns. I love ghost towns and I really want to discover more and find more. I know a lot of them that I looked up. They're pretty much gone. Oh wow, there's quite a few still. You know things standing, but for the most part I mean over the years. I mean something's built there, yeah yeah, fair enough, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've been to a couple of places like that and they are really interesting.

Speaker 1:

There's no question about it. Oh yeah, I just I love the history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the history. I was just going to say there's a history to it.

Speaker 3:

And then you kind of want to find out who the people were, and who lived there. What was the reason they were there and you know what happened. Why are they no longer there? And there's always a story there. There's always something really interesting that happened. And maybe it could have gone this way or that way and there were some circumstances or something. It just never know.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, especially that one that I walked in that house and it was still firmish to a point. Yeah, that's crazy it was just like what happened. You know that you just leave your home, you just walk out. It's intriguing.

Speaker 3:

It's very true. Maybe you know they died or something happened you know, illness or something. I mean there's got to be something to that. Got to be something to that.

Speaker 1:

Oh sure, yeah, yeah, anything's definitely possible. But it's just intriguing because you know you walked in going wow, like oh yeah, for sure. Yeah, so definitely got plans Spring, summer, man 2024. I got to.

Speaker 3:

Right on. Yeah, I know I'm with you on that, but let's all make good plans to get COVID as far behind us as you physically can. Get out there, get the energy, see people do the things you got to do, get one with nature. Whatever, let's all make 2024 like a really good year. You know, this is kind of like the first step of the healing. Next year is going to be apex For sure.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, definitely so. Oh man, I don't even know how much time we have left.

Speaker 3:

I think we probably have to go, even though it's been really fun.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we did a really long one, not that long ago so we got to make some short ones to kind of make up for it, but that's a good about it. We just wanted to come on and you know, make sure you guys knew, like you know, we didn't forget.

Speaker 3:

I was down for two days. I tried, but you know we just when the energy wasn't there.

Speaker 1:

you know, on the weekend we did do one and the energy I just we both didn't feel it.

Speaker 3:

right now we're not going to share this one.

Speaker 1:

The energy's wrong.

Speaker 3:

We want to have good energy for our folks man. I want to have people feeling inspired and like. I feel better now, even if it's just for a minute. You know you got to feel better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so, yeah. So we just want to make sure that we had one out.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

We'll try to do one maybe Thursday or Friday or something Absolutely.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We are going to bring you guys?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

But it's okay, this is a makeup test.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And we passed Yay, so there you go. All right so.

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll leave it at that until the next time, and thank you guys, we love you guys.

Speaker 2:

We appreciate you guys, we love you guys.

Speaker 1:

And you know, make sure you share, follow and subscribe and all those fun things. Wait, review the show. We got some new photos. It helps the podcast grow.

Speaker 3:

We have some new photos. Oh yeah, he put up the Triangle Island shots we took from the helicopter. So just to put context for this 50 nautical miles from Cape Scott, north tip of Vancouver Island goes straight west. Last piece of land, then the next piece of land is Japan. Just to give perspective on where we were, where that story came from. If you go back you'll hear about all that, but he's got the photos up yeah, and lots more to come.

Speaker 1:

I've taken lots more.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he's taking photos like crazy. I can't wait till he gets some of them up. There's some really nice ones. Guys Gonna love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely so. Yes, thank you once again, and we will be back in the next one soon. As I always say, let's love one another. We did to each other because life is always game for us, so let's be always game for life. All right, peace and love everyone.

Speaker 3:

Peace and love, peace and love. Big hugs, big hugs. I want big hug from everyone. Oh, I can feel the energy. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, all right, All right, stay blessed, take care.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Purple aura yeah.

Speaker 1:


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