AlwaysGame4Life Podcast

The Positivity Paradigm: Nature, Nostalgia, and Life's Journey

Mark Russell/Rick Toochin Season 2 Episode 9

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Ever felt swamped in negativity and wished there was a way out? My good friend Rick and I plunge into the life-changing power of positivity, sharing personal stories of overcoming adversity and celebrating life's small victories. We delve into the soothing solace of nature - observing eagles, geese, and the sheer beauty of our surroundings, reminiscing tender childhood memories and the significance of outdoor activities for mental and physical wellbeing.

Our candid discussion takes a turn toward our children's passions and our own nostalgic memories of circus dreams. We also chat about the importance of seasonal activities, the joy of being outdoors, and how weather can influence it. Our shared experiences sparkle with humor and warmth, reminding us all that life isn't just about the destination; it's about the journey.

Wrapping up, we reflect on maintaining a positive mindset, the necessity of letting go of past trauma, and the importance of living in the present. There's also a heart-to-heart about technology, gaming, hobbies, and a jovial chat on merchandise and clothing. But most importantly, we emphasize the power of embracing the 'wow', the magic of being in the present, and appreciating life. So, are you ready for an enlightening journey of positivity, laughter, and reflection? Join Rick and me as we navigate the highs and lows of life with a smile.

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"Be good to each other and love one another because life is always game for us, so let's be always game for life!"

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Always game for life(original) written and performed by Jason Halderson

Alwaysgame4life(We stand united)(original) written by Mark Russell
Facebook: @alwaysgame4life

Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome back to another one on Always Deem For Life podcast, where we come together, share stories, connect and maybe even have a few laughs. It is so good to be back. As always, I hope you are doing amazing out there, wherever you are listening to in the world. So I am back here again with my good friend Rick. How, how was it going? Oh, my god, this is.

Speaker 3:

it's been a while, it's been far too long and I keep saying people we love you, we love the fact you're still with us, and I'm sorry, I've tried. But, you know we both had some adversity lately and you know it's hard to talk about positivity when you don't necessarily feel positive. But we do now Fair enough. And that's the thing you know. The days are shorter, the light tanner plays with you. I don't know where you are out there in the universe, but it rains here way too much, and so you know it's got to get you a little down, but you have to believe in positive thinking.

Speaker 3:

It's the only way it works. You put it out, it comes back. It's like a boomerang. You put it out, it comes back. You put negative out, you're going to get negative back. So who wants negative? I don't.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't.

Speaker 3:

Nobody listening wants it, but it's easy to fall down that trap Now this week. I won't get into the scary, gory details, but yes, Ricky Baby had some well up and downs, kind of lost it one day. Not normal for me anymore, I might add. But then our good friend Mark here was like come on, man, what do we talk? What do we preach? What do we believe in? Positivity? That's right Now. If you keep going with it, it will come back to you and it'll get better.

Speaker 3:

And today, people, is my birthday and yes it started out kind of hmm but ended up with a oh yeah, baby. And yes, and it's because I believe in the philosophy. I embrace it, I embrace it, I make it happen and I that's all I can say is, if you believe in it, they'll come. You don't have to build the stadium, you just have to believe it and it will come.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know we went out today in the rain folks, and I know you were like why are we on the rain, man? It's like raining and it's no fun. You can't go for a walk and you can't look at the birds. It's like, oh, but you can. It's just, yeah, you got to drive around and go to them. It's not as much fun, but it leads to fun stuff and we had that today.

Speaker 3:

We had some blackboard spaces, you know, and we got pictures and it was just I don't know. It was just interesting, because it's challenging, when you got raindrops falling on you in an open window. I mean, you're soaking wet, you're off the wet. People drive by, they splash the car. I mean you know it, it worked.

Speaker 1:

Well, not to mention too just the mood of the sky and the air and the rain.

Speaker 2:

You know it's dark, it's gloomy.

Speaker 3:

But it is. You're just like mm. I know, but it was tranquil. And something about that got me thinking about well, wait a minute. Why am I giving into this negativity?

Speaker 1:

You know better than this. Yes, you do.

Speaker 3:

So I said to you okay, leave it with me. I got it, we're going to. You know, drop me off and I'll come later and, and you know, let me do some stuff. And in that time I got a phone call about an interview, which is wonderful because you know I'm looking for work. I found out my divorce went through. So I'm officially now no longer tethered to that person, which is good for both of us.

Speaker 3:

I think we were friends, and, and that's good. We have a kid. Everything's positive, though, okay, but it's just that no longer hangs over me, and if anyone out there has been through this and I'm sure there's people out there they understand it's. It's just a beginning of a new chapter.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know, it's not bad, it's good.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of good stuff happened and and that's what I needed to hear, it just you know. I don't know, it maybe was the change in the day length, or I don't know. There was just some stuff going on.

Speaker 3:

I was like huh yeah why are we doing this again? It's November. Like, come on, people, I want to have a good November Now. I believe in the W O, w, wow factor. It will happen. I wouldn't make this up, folks, I'm not like that. I'm just in a really good mood, and I wasn't earlier today. Markey baby chairs. So yeah, well, okay.

Speaker 3:

I helped you, dave, you kind of you know pushed me in the right direction and and you know, we'll just, we'll just go with that. But yeah, man, it's been, you know it's been too long.

Speaker 2:

And you know.

Speaker 3:

I just want to say out there, we ended up having a phenomenal Hawk watch this fall, oh crazy, oh my goodness.

Speaker 3:

I'm just looking at the data, guys, and I mean look, I didn't get out every single day. You're supposed to do that with these things. You're supposed to have a budget. You're supposed to go every day and put so many hours. I did that on some days. Other days I was working, I couldn't, and I still ended up with record numbers of everything. So I don't know what happened. I don't know if the fires transported them into slightly different vectors, where they came down, or we just saw a good increase this year. But, holy cow, we're really cooking it this year and and we ended up getting just the most amazing data. I can't wait to write it up and I'll have it up on my website and when I get it done, I'll let people know if they want to go read it or whatever.

Speaker 3:

It'll be very basic, but it's just exciting. I mean I hope next year we get to do that again and we get to expand it a bit and and just see what happens, Cause every year is a little different. But it really was fun and I hope we'll have the ability, guys, to have the equipment to share with everybody what we're seeing, Cause we don't have the ability to hook that up to cameras. To go here you go. It requires, like different kind of technology, but maybe we will. You know, let's think positively. I think people, if they catch on to what we're doing, they're going to want to go do it.

Speaker 3:

It's very relaxing.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 3:

It's uplifting, you know, seeing an eagle soaring around. I don't know, there's something about that. You're like.

Speaker 2:

I want to fly.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'll fly through him.

Speaker 1:

You know well that for me as well, but also for me just being out man.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Nature. So you know, like just tranquil yeah, cleansing, oh yeah. And we're on a mountain top.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It kind of just lends it to its. The scenery lends that to the whole experience itself. It it's kind of the whole thing encapsulated, you know.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I think it's up on the mountain top. I loved it.

Speaker 3:

I miss it man.

Speaker 1:

I know this is the problem.

Speaker 3:

You go through these withdrawals in November because you're there all the time in. September and then it's like oh man I mean, I wish those little creatures well. I hope they make it to where they're going. They come back, make sure it's safe and sound. And you know we got other things we can go. Look at it, doesn't just stop. You know we get. It's just a different thing we're going to do now for a while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah and that's okay.

Speaker 3:

But we get some cool winter stuff that comes down. That's really cool, like we got a little taste of that today. That was winter stuff and that I like that kind of stuff. There's still color and there's still interest and the geese flying around like they've been lately of just. I don't know if anyone else is getting this in other places, but holy moly man. I mean just like thousands of snow geese and cackling geese and so cool.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know it just, it just makes it more interesting. Yeah, you kind of wish you you could be with them in some ways of that journey, but then again, that's their journey and we have ours. So that's fine, but you can appreciate it Absolutely. I don't know. So it's not fall without hearing that for me I have to hear that you know when we're out, like at Sue-Mass Prairie or one of the various places we go to, like if I don't hear those geese, it's kind of like okay, what's going on?

Speaker 3:

Are we not in fall Like, because it really is a fall thing, and also in spring, but it's a migration thing? So migration is still going on, although it's winding down now. It's getting towards the end.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Still fall.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Oh God, we have a few good days Like that last one. We actually took my son with us. We got that crazy owl.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yeah, they don't know about that. Oh yeah. So I do that a a pig me alcohol, I do it everywhere and what it is is it's a type of owl call that gets all the birds excited. So if you kind of want to know what's around, there's little sentinel species like the chickadees that will get everyone kind of like oh hey, there's a predator around. We better go check it out, Make sure we know where it is.

Speaker 3:

So they all come to you, you know, and you don't have to do this for half an hour, I just do it for a few minutes, okay, I see what everything's here, and then you just leave them be and they go on their way. But what ends up happening on a regular basis for me is I'll hear owls respond in places that I wouldn't necessarily think I'd get them. What happened that day was that I did a couple calls and I'm like man, he's like nothing here. And then I thought I heard something. I was talking to Nick, who's got young ears, goes. I heard something call back, just exactly how you did it. And then I heard it and I went oh, we have a ping me off.

Speaker 3:

So I walked down the road towards it and what ends up happening most days, like the last three years in this one spot, is I hear it and he's kind of like yeah, yeah, okay, rick, whatever man you know, I'm sleeping like talk to you later type thing. But I guess because of the change in light it's more like spring. The hormones kind of get excited. This time here in some birds it's like a mirror effect. He got a little bit of like. He's kind of like hey, wait a minute, I'm not tolerating anything in my territory. And he came out and we saw him and he was adorable, but he really did, and you should put some pictures up for people so they can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they will be.

Speaker 3:

I swear to God the birds like who disturbs my royal snooze? What do you want? Like I'm trying to sleep, like what do you want, man? And you know, like that bird didn't look at you, he looks through you and you'll see this in the photos If you put a couple of them.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to put some photos and also then I put that video, put the video on. That video was amazing.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he trilled at folks. It's one thing to get them to go bup, bup, bup, which is what they you know, they make a call like that, but in the spring they do the trill and they don't really do it very often in the fall. And I hadn't heard the trill for a long time, so I was excited and you see the whole bird vibrating as it does Like you know it's so cute that they're little guys.

Speaker 3:

They're like the size of a robin. They're tiny little things and he's just totally vibrating when he trolled and you got it on video.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to put that up. It's so cool.

Speaker 3:

I mean I can do all that, and what was interesting for me is I don't ever hear recordings of what I'm doing, so when I heard it I was like holy cow, I do sound exactly like the owl.

Speaker 2:

And bitch and everything.

Speaker 3:

Whoa, this is creepy. So that's how I trick them to come out and it works with any species. It's just that I like using Pigtail because I'm trying to find the little songbirds that are around. I mean, they're tucked in, they're not going to come out easily, so you kind of have to trick them a little bit. But as long as you don't abuse that, you know, you just do it just briefly. Okay, we got to, we got to feel for what's here, then you leave it, then you're good. You know, if you did that all the time, yeah, I mean to the same birds, it's not fair to them.

Speaker 3:

So I don't do that, but it's okay. A little randomness is okay. That was amazing. I mean, your son's reaction was exactly what I was hoping for. You know he's just hanging open. He's like wow, I really like this. Wow, it's like okay, you're getting it. You're getting it, You're getting enlightened. You know, we're getting that third eye open. You're starting to feel it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, he's been out there a few times and, like you, just he didn't quite get that experience. It takes a few times.

Speaker 3:

It's very rare to have what happened to your daughter, where she got the owl on the very first time we went out Like my God, if you could bottle that and have that every time, everybody would be into it. But it doesn't always work out. It's like fishing right Eventually you hook one really well, and that's what we did. It took a little while. We hooked one for Nick and perfect, right, right, and now he gets it. And the more that happens, the more he'll get it. The more he'll get it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's how it works, right? Yeah, oh yeah, and he got that owl and he was part of it.

Speaker 3:

He heard it and he was part of it. It was just like your daughter. You know I see it and you know I thought she was talking. I couldn't quite hear her because I was concentrating on doing my alcohol and it's kind of loud in your head. I didn't realize that's what she said. I thought she said are you doing it now? And she was saying no, I see it now, because I had a tree right in front of me, I couldn't see around it. And then when I peered my head around, I'm like where she's standing. Oh wow, bartow. So it's great that your kids are getting into that. My son's been exposed to that since he was a little kid. He just takes it for granted that everyone's dad is like that.

Speaker 3:

And they don't understand now it's like oh, this is kind of unique, oh OK, but you know he likes doing that with just the two of us.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he doesn't like sharing.

Speaker 3:

You know, he doesn't see me all the time, so he doesn't want to share with anyone, right, it's like, ok, we'll go do it ourselves, buddy, but I do have friends that like to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that's.

Speaker 3:

OK, it's still positive. But yeah, the owl was great, oh man. I mean we had some other good experiences too.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

You know with like all the songbird stuff. Oh, the bitter the yarn. You should put that photo up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll have that up.

Speaker 3:

That crazy thing is a local celebrity. I mean, this thing normally sits in grass and is super hard to see. This guy just sits right out in the open and goes yep, I'm cool, Look at me. And now I'm going to catch a fish. And he's so stealthy. He just sits there like a statue and then you'll see the eyeball move, the eyeball move and then grabs the fish and he goes right back to being completely still for like 20 minutes.

Speaker 3:

It's sort of like a grandmaster. You know Tai Chi and someone's martial artist. This is what this is. If you had a video, you'd say you'd see that right.

Speaker 3:

That was really neat to find out, because I've heard about this bird, I've just never gone and looked at them. I, I, I didn't really know where in that park to look. And then I found out and then I didn't realize it was like all the time. I thought it was just like once in a while he came out. This is like every day. This guy does that.

Speaker 3:

So, that's really cool. And then, um, you know, we watched all the geese come in migration. The swans arrived, that was really nice. Got some late hawks, which was really cool. Push the dates a bit to the late side, it was always interesting to get those outliers. Um, yeah, and then you discovered this whole new world that I was trying to explain before. But again, visual is you got to see it to believe it. There's a lot of different types of ducks. Man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I mean, unless you hunt them or you're a bird, or you wouldn't know that. Oh well, there's this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this and this and this, yeah. And that was just that's just pond type ducks. They're not even talking about sea ducks, which are totally different. They're out in the ocean and you know it's a huge list, man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

But no, I mean, I just enjoy it and I enjoy the walks.

Speaker 3:

Mm, hmm, the exercise is nice too, and it's just uh, you feel the energy of the trees and the shrubs and the earth. You, just you, you feed off it. I think it's a natural thing. That's why I always say to people if they're down and out or depressed, you know like down, get out and walk.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's. It's like the natural way to bring yourself up. Now, you know, if you have it severely, maybe you need some help with that. But sometimes, if you're just feeling a bit down, go for a walk, you'll feel better, Just a way of lifting. I did that when I was a kid. I didn't realize that that was what I was doing. I was medicating myself.

Speaker 3:

I go on these huge walks with my sister and, you know, feel great afterwards. And then you realize, well, we just walked for five hours and we walked from where we lived in Vancouver to downtown and back. You know, like no buses, it's all the way down. Oh my goodness, you know, it's like, uh, how many miles was that? I don't know.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, that's what we were like as kids you know, Mm hmm, yeah, and it would be like well, we could get a bus, but I'm enjoying walking. Yeah, let's go all the way. You know, we would literally do the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you know crazy man.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I could do that today. I think my hips would give up just because I'm older now. But you know it's a. It would always make us feel better.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no doubt. Yeah. Yeah, I used to do a ton of that with my buddy Paul. They all know he's been on here before.

Speaker 3:

Oh sure.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, we used to walk everywhere, uh, hike everywhere. I mean we'd walked through creeks just to see where it goes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, literally in the creek. Oh yeah, yeah, birding is that hobby, that. I have with the birding thing. You just end up going through anything.

Speaker 1:

Mm, hmm.

Speaker 3:

And that's why, when I was a young guy you know, gung-ho and wanting to see everything they always I had the nickname of mud. That was my nickname because it didn't matter if. I had wet feet, didn't matter, my clothes got mucky or I just, oh, I got to get over there. Whoop. Okay, Go through up to my. You know hips and water in the winter and go all day like that I don't care.

Speaker 3:

Today I look at that and go, no, that's not happening anymore. But when you're 19, what do you know? Right now, let's just go for it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, I was pretty.

Speaker 3:

So I totally relate to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, absolutely. I remember going to a place called Rocky Point for people don't know. Oh, that's nice Back when we were kids, paul and I we went on our bikes and we got there and there's at this time I haven't seen it in a long time, it just doesn't happen anymore but jellyfish everywhere.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it was insane. And there's a big wharf there. We're going out there.

Speaker 1:

And well, let's just say I ended up coming back to my mom's home with one shoe Uh-oh, my shoe. We were walking, you know, because the tide was out and my foot sank.

Speaker 3:

I know where this is going.

Speaker 1:

And my shoe just disappeared, oof. Oh man, so I ended up riding my bike one shoe. One shoe and one hole. I think we've all done that one time or another in our lives.

Speaker 3:

I've done it, my kids done it, I know my sister's done that. Yeah, we've all had that and it teaches you valuable lessons on. Okay, maybe this time I'll go barefoot and I'll just carry these you know especially the sandals and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen that yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because I've done that and it sucks, man, it sucks.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hate that feeling, but when you're young and you're a kid like we were.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, we must have been. I'm going to say maybe 10 max. Oh, sure. So I mean, at that time you don't think that right.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, You're just like going out to the on Jodie.

Speaker 1:

Fish and looking at all the creatures. Let's keep going, let's walk.

Speaker 2:

The tide is out, let's keep going. Look it, we can just walk. It's the first week we go, yeah, yeah yeah, no, that's exactly right, man oh yeah, you have no bin there.

Speaker 3:

I know that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that's a neat area, that Rocky Point area. I've been down there. There's a big wharf there. You can walk out and you get lots of wildlife from it.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah man it's beautiful I remember I had to go there at night and do some owl surveys in the area and we walked out this wharf and I couldn't believe all the birds that were there at night that you could just identify, because I remember there were some lights there, you know, and it's like oh, look at that, there's a running duck. Oh, look at that, there's such and such stuck in it. It's just like, jeez, I don't even need night vision.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

I haven't been there in years, but I remember it's very beautiful there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, there's a nice trail there too. It goes basically, oh god, all the way into Poco.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it goes all the way around.

Speaker 1:

You got like Port Moody you got Poco and Iowco Iowco. Where do you go? Yeah, that's a nice area, Nice trail, nice walk.

Speaker 3:

I don't get down there at all anymore. I just don't really head that way. But I remember when I used to go out that way, it was really nice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been a while. I took my daughter there when I was in Coquillaum, so the summer before I left, I guess it would have been yeah, so she really enjoyed it. She loved it. And then, of course, the ice cream place here in the summer.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, that's, it's right there, right there. If there isn't an ice cream place, forget it. Now, I don't do ice cream, but I'm just saying most people there's got to be something like that. Yeah, it's interesting because I have lactose problems. I don't eat the stuff. Now, I know you can take a pill, but I do that sometimes. But I actually like sherbet and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't hurt, right yeah?

Speaker 3:

Or, as they say, sorbet, sorbet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got me hooked on that.

Speaker 3:

I know it is Good collared people my kids like you got it right, you got it trusted, All right. It's kind of like that commercial. I won't get into it. Everyone knows what I'm talking about with Mr Mike. And yeah, you do like it, and it's just now I got to have it and I haven't bought it for a while because we're out of summer now, but every time I go shop it's like I hear this thing in my head.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know, me too. I went shopping the other day with my little girl. We're walking through the freezer section there when we grabbed the yogurt in the milk and I was like should I or should I Should I, should I yeah? Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Now, in her case, she's doing so many cool things with her energy level it probably wouldn't phase her if she had some and might make her want to do more. I don't know Me. A little bowl is good enough. I don't need a huge amount because, it's just so tasty. But now I'm thinking about like damn do you have any left over? Damn, I shouldn't do that.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't, Unfortunately.

Speaker 3:

You know, we'll have to let people figure out what it is for themselves.

Speaker 1:

We can't really advertise for people, but it's like oh no, anyway, yeah, speaking of man, she's doing incredible things too, and when I picked her up the other day there through that circus training, Do you love that?

Speaker 3:

folks, don't you love that? I mean, do you ever meet anyone who does this? All right, wow.

Speaker 1:

And the first time that she was on the trapeze and stuff. Oh, man. This time I feel like you'd call it, but, like you see, performers do this all the time. Men do it too, but mostly female that I've seen. They're up high on a rope and they're doing tricks swinging. That's what she was doing. Oh, really, and I just looked over and I said well, you're brave.

Speaker 3:

Wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

Like my god yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like I said, that is what does?

Speaker 1:

She's having a blast.

Speaker 3:

Your kids like a superhero. What doesn't she do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, horseback running Full lessons, horseback riding, piano lessons, everything a little girl or now you know getting to be teenager 13th year.

Speaker 3:

Of doing. You know it's crazy. And then you add the circus elements like oh my God, you know you just hit the top end. Now a lot of people are like well, what's the big deal? It's something I always dreamed of doing. I was a kid, secretly, never told anybody.

Speaker 2:

I want to do that but, I, never did.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't really like.

Speaker 1:

I think at one time we all want to join the circus.

Speaker 3:

You know, I just kind of like I want to do it, but I don't like height, but I want to do it, I don't know. So I never even really attempted that sort of thing. So I got total respect for that. That's so cool. I mean, do you think that that's something that she would end up doing as a career or something Like I? Mean, you just don't know, you know, you know that would be wild if she was one of those rare people doing that. I mean, I would be just wild.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I'm probably not Right, but it's just so cool, you know, if she can find things that she likes and enjoys, I mean I get it. I mean when I was young I went through lots to. Oh, I mean an basketball, ice hockey, martial arts. You know I had to find, you know how we are modeling.

Speaker 3:

I think it's really neat that she picked something that's just so different. So you don't hear that very often.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, I mean, as kids, we all love it, want to join the circus at one point.

Speaker 3:

It's just a natural thing.

Speaker 1:

Of course I don't want to feel weird.

Speaker 3:

But it's just. It's like there's got to be other people out there that felt that Of course, until we get old and realize, oh, we're already living in it. But it's kind of a scope of this conversation and I think we're going to take a break here and do, do, do, do, do, do. Ok reset the button there. Not that I disagree with you, but that's a totally different program.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, crt rules require that. Oh sorry it's just me, but no, but anyway we've got an off topic, no, but anyway. So we've been having some interesting experiences lately and doing some interesting stuff, a lot of outdoor stuff. I mean damn, I wish the weather would just break a little bit. I know we live in the you know rainy area, but and November is brutal man, you go from hiking and hiking and hiking to. I guess we're in the car today.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I mean the people that know me and know me well know that I live on trails.

Speaker 3:

Like you know what I mean, because if we were out in that today, we would have been absolutely soaked. So I just had the window open and I was soaked man, and it's kind of like you know, I've been there and I've done that. I don't want to do that, no more man, I just want to oh yeah, we would have been just the soggy bottom boys. It's not fun. It's not fun I don't like it, I don't like that sensation anymore, I mean no man.

Speaker 1:

That's why I live for spring and summer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like spring and fall.

Speaker 1:

I love going up on the mountain. I love summer.

Speaker 3:

I like certain aspects of summer, but spring fall favorites Like when you get to later spring towards summer and then early fall, long before we get to this point, those are like so that's kind of like. I guess most people call that summer, but actually that's really what is. A bird world is still migration time, so for me that that's what I like, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Myself personally.

Speaker 3:

And then if you can travel around and do cool trips in summer, a, I love that, get out of town, go do cool trails, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I love that stuff. Wintertime, you know, I don't mind doing that kind of thing if we can go to cool spots, but I find it's harder to do because the days are so short. You know, you really only get maybe two to three hours and you have to travel quite a ways to get to a lot of these places.

Speaker 1:

So, it's.

Speaker 3:

It's a little more difficult, but I have done it.

Speaker 1:

Well one thing I could do is that you know, wintertime you can dress for it, summertime you can only strip so far. Well, you know down to a legal you know your daughter being El Fresco.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you get trouble for that you know I don't want to be.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't want to do that. I don't know about looking at the birds while being you know who was going to believe you with your shlong hanging out because you're too hot that you're looking at birds and binoculars like they're going to think you're a perv and they're going to go. Come on off, you go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, we have to talk again.

Speaker 1:

Way off left field anyway.

Speaker 3:

You're going to have to edit that part out.

Speaker 1:

Nah no.

Speaker 3:

I like making people laugh, so, yeah, that was really. What I wanted to talk about today was, um, just had some weird things happen to me and it was getting kind of weird and I was getting a bit anxious and I don't really have that problem these days anymore and it was screwing up my sleep and I can't wait to sleep tonight because I was going to sleep like a baby and it was kind of messing me up.

Speaker 3:

But the whole time I'm focusing on what we talk about, what I learned, what you taught me and what we teach everybody, and it seems to just totally work. Yeah, now that's remarkable If anybody had told me that when I was a kid or a couple of years ago. I'd say yeah, okay, maybe 50, 50,. You know that's the odds, right, but there really is something to it. It's a philosophy. Yeah, this, um, you know it's a. This is amazing.

Speaker 1:

I mean I I was talking to my mom on the phone, excuse me, the other day and, um, you know, I told her all about it and she brought up something very interesting. Um, she said, no, you gotta add to it. I'm like, what do you mean? She goes. Well, you know, when you say walk on wave, she said what's perfect about wave is because that's what life is right. It's bumpy.

Speaker 3:

It's rude, it oscillates up and down.

Speaker 1:

So saying walk on wave, it is absolutely insane, and she kind of brought that to my attention.

Speaker 3:

That's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean there is a little up and down. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, that actually makes total sense.

Speaker 3:

What I'm getting at? Is that what I would get locked into sometimes because my mindset wasn't right, is I get locked in on the down part of that and not remember there's an upside of it, and that's the way part that yeah, okay, it goes up and down, but it can go up if you're on the down.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think it goes up. I think it works like, as long as we um remain balanced, we can go up from being down. You know what I mean, Cause we're balanced on the wave, and that's what I'm getting at.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

If we use balance and we're trying to climb up, that's gonna make it difficult. You know what I mean, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Cause you're just going to keep sliding and sliding and you don't quite reach the goal.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

That's where letting go of trauma, letting go of adversity, being more calm like you are when we're driving I'm totally working on that, people. One of these days I will reach his nerve.

Speaker 1:

I swear there's no marijuana involved.

Speaker 3:

I will reach your Nirvana. I got see, I have to work on things and that's one of them. I'm getting better, still got a ways to go, but that's what we talk about. It's that mind frame, it's that mindset, it's that getting in that zone.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And if you pop out of it putting the garbage out of the way to make it so it's very easy to pop back in. And that's the trick to it is getting rid of the trauma, getting rid of the things that are obstacles in your way. They really are, and as I move forward with this, I just realized wow, there really are a lot of obstacles you can put in the way.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Live in the now, let it go.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And I hope. Live in the now and then you're now I hope I can remember this when I'm having problems, because sometimes I forget. But you remind me of that and it was just like all this great stuff happened to me, Just boom, boom, boom, boom. I'm like okay.

Speaker 1:

You know, try not to let yourself be inflicted with something that's beyond your control. I mean, you know, something that happens, it happens, it happened. It's like okay, right, buddy, just cut me off or did a dumb move. Okay, my hero, um, it's done again. You know I can sit there and finger him and go nuts, I'm going to embrace this food as philosophy about driving.

Speaker 2:

I have to work on it, I have to.

Speaker 3:

You are the sensei and I am the little grasshopper on that one, and that's okay, we all have to have our challenges to grow yeah. But I will get there, I'm trying.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I don't flip the bird anymore, I don't yell at people, I don't even make comments anymore. I'm getting really good. I'm letting it be in the moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not easy.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, I'm tested, but it's good to be tested because it's keeping you honest and sharp and it's making you hone those skills because, as I've said before and maybe you've said too I can't remember, I think you have. It's not something, it's one and done. You have to always work at it.

Speaker 3:

That's right, that's right, you know it's a forever journey, I mean that's right, and I have to remind myself that, yes, we're happy at this moment. Let's keep it that way. It's work and not the kind of work that's like a slog. It's just. You know, keep it channeled right. You got to. You know the wave. You got to stay on that positive wave and it goes up and wave more yard, yeah it will you know if it fluctuates, man?

Speaker 3:

you just got to go on that fluctuation, man, and it's going to come right back up, man, he's going to be there for that wave and then you can ride that big wave and hit the tube. I'm sorry, I'm surfing again. I used to surf, so you know I know all these terminologies and I didn't surf for that long, but it was at a time when I used to party a lot, so kind of sunk in through the weird layer.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm pretty much like. Anyone who knows me will probably tell you I'm probably one of the most, if not the most, laid back person they know. I was just going to say like the only time that I'll ever speak up or jump out whatever you want to call it, Um we've seen this side of you is is if someone directly insults me or my children, or you know my loved ones. Sure I will stand up, I won't say something, but I mean, if it's just, some kids listening would say that's not a normal reaction.

Speaker 1:

Maybe they're having a bad day, I don't know. But if it's someone out there, like you know, and they, they say something, or I see him do something, and it's like, okay, I mean I'm not going to use my energy to sit there and flip out, I mean, you know, it's interesting it.

Speaker 3:

You're absolutely right. There's um it's remembering those moments where it's appropriate, yeah, and other moments where it's like why put your energy? In her who cares? This isn't you know. I think I think I got to remember something from a movie or a oh no, the Simpsons. You know, it doesn't affect you, it's not something that you need to worry about. No, let it go. Let it go, cause you remember I think that's the scene where the one the sheriff guys sees Skinner's mother naked oh, he starts barfing. He's like let it go.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't affect you, it's okay, it's let it go, man.

Speaker 3:

It's like take the image out of your mind and maybe that's that's something that we all have to remember.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't have to be Simpsons but you know it has to be something of like yeah, is this critical to the next five minutes of your existence? Ding, ding, ding, ding. You know, and, and you, you know, like you got to do this very quickly, but I think 99% of the time, no, but there's going to be that percentage that it's yes, it is something you have to react to. Those are the ones that you need to pick the right moment and and and judge it for the whatever's going on. I think that you're right on yeah.

Speaker 1:

And see where I, where I first found you know the especially driving for one, for an example was like when I was driving on the highway, you know, back in the day, yeah, I reacted differently, probably like a fool. And you know I would get angry or whatever if they cut me off or whatever on the highway, and so there was this one moment. Um years later, after you know, it happened again, and I was having a day and um why is it?

Speaker 2:

you know, I just made this quick.

Speaker 1:

I just made this quick decision. You know I was like, should I put my energy into this guy who just kept me off, kept going? I'm fine, I'm still in my lane, I'm going, he's gone, he's gone. Should I do that, or should I just continue down the highway where I'm going and stay alive?

Speaker 3:

What a wild way of putting it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Should I risk my life to put energy into this person who decides to, you know, make a dumb decision Interesting, or should I just? Okay, that was terrible. See you later, and just, I'm safe from here.

Speaker 3:

I'm going, that's letting it go. And then moving it forward in the snap of your finger.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and making the decision like yeah. I think I'd rather stay safe and not put myself in harm's way, because I'm reacting to someone who made a dumb decision.

Speaker 3:

Mark is the master chief, he is the grandson. I'll say if anybody else here gets to go driving with him, you will see things that will make you go. At first you go, okay, why aren't you reacting? Because if you're used to that, like I was growing up with it, that's normal right. And then you realize, no, he is on a higher plane of existence. He is not reacting because it's not important. And this is the thing. It's like the depression.

Speaker 1:

It's like the negative. Is that important?

Speaker 3:

No, how do we achieve the ability to make it unimportant? How do we achieve the ability to not control? But to at least put it in a context where we can rise above it and find that happy medium. Those are the tricks that I think are really difficult.

Speaker 3:

That's the journey. That's the wave part of it, Whether we find it immediately or over time. I think every individual has to find that for themselves. That's just a journey that you're on, but once you start finding it, it's kind of like I don't know, you get a taste of that really awesome dark roasted coffee, I mean oh that's so good.

Speaker 3:

I want more. I want more. I gotta have a cup. I want another cup, I want, and it's that type of thing. You just want more of it because it's so zen, it's perfect, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I try to do with everything I try to. I mean, I'm human and I still have days, we'll call them, but I just kind of keep it at that. I try my best. Where it's like okay, it's an off day or this happened, okay, you know, this too shall pass.

Speaker 3:

I think that's why we were meant to meet each other at the right time.

Speaker 1:

I'll be looking at it tomorrow or the next day? Going man, that Tuesday was just shitty.

Speaker 3:

Wow, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, because it passes.

Speaker 1:

Everything passes.

Speaker 2:

It shall pass Right.

Speaker 1:

So that's Everything that happens we look back on. We look back on. That's the key. That's really hard to do. Always remember that Everything that we've done or what we do where we go. There's a day that we're sitting here and we're looking back on it going. I remember that day.

Speaker 3:

See, that's a real matrix. Jump out of the matrix, take the red pill or whatever it was, or blue pill.

Speaker 1:

I don't know where it's great movie.

Speaker 3:

But you know, that's that equation, that is when you're in it it's hard to remember, and I was trying to get that for the last five days or whatever. It was that yeah, yeah, that's what I want. And then I guess I found it today and I got that again. And that is a very hard thing to achieve when you're in it, when it can take right over everything. If you know, unfortunately sometimes that happens to all of us it'll encapsulate you in it and-.

Speaker 1:

Oh sure.

Speaker 3:

Where's the way out?

Speaker 1:

I don't see the light, I can't get out.

Speaker 3:

And if you can find that as your emergency hatch like that's, the emergency key that opens that door is what you just talked about that might be the way that I can avoid having these types of five day periods again.

Speaker 1:

Just remember, just remember the four brother. This too shall pass. This too shall pass, so whenever something's going on, or you're having a bad day, or I don't know. Whatever it may be. Whatever, it doesn't matter, man, that too shall pass. Yeah, yeah and I know I've heard people saying that You'll wake up the next morning and go. Oh, I guess we have a city, but it's gone.

Speaker 3:

But that's so true and I love it. That's, I don't know about you guys, but that's gonna become my emergency-.

Speaker 1:

This too shall pass man Emergency button.

Speaker 3:

This too shall pass. You know, hit the button, you might have to hit it four times, but you're gonna hit it and it's gonna work. Oh, I like that and I know it's it's and I get it.

Speaker 1:

I know it's easier said than done, just like a lot of things, Sure. But it's-. But you just gotta practice it, right, you just gotta-. But if you have that to practice it, yeah, you have that.

Speaker 3:

If you have that option, suddenly it changes the whole thing, because now you got an option, you felt like, oh, no options, you're topless. I've heard these things from my own mouth and other people. No, you have this option. You didn't even think of it. It's right there in front of you. Boom, oh, I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and just you know, like everyone else, I've been there. You know obviously sitting there and watching and there's no way out. And you know, I just wanted to change that. I wanted to get in the mindset of going. You know what? There is a way out. Never think there isn't, there is.

Speaker 3:

Normally I agree with you and then-.

Speaker 1:

I just had to train my mind. There is one. There is one. Do I know it right now? No, but there is one.

Speaker 3:

And that's what I'm saying Normally. I would agree with you. Sometimes you just get caught up in the moment and something really crappy happens and you forget these things.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Just keep that in the back pocket. Wait a minute. Yes, there is, this will pass.

Speaker 1:

That's right Everything.

Speaker 3:

Like a wave. It will go by you and it'll be okay. Ooh, oh, this is good, this is good. I hope to help people. I know I'm getting helped. I'm loving it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I mean, it's just something to-. Whatever tricks you do Think about something that, yeah, whatever Like, by no means, like I said, I have a PhD or no professional opinion. This is just my own experience and I'm just sharing it and, if you wanna Me too, and I just I hope.

Speaker 3:

I really hope we're helping people. Now it's been a while. I hope some of our audience hasn't left, but I wanted to ask, because we never really I never really get to check Do we get feedback on this stuff from people? Do people-.

Speaker 1:

Once in a while.

Speaker 3:

yeah, I mean if we kept you know consistently and matured yeah, I will keep trying people, Just unfortunately things come in the way of it you wanna speak yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't this thing's kind of I know I know no, but I just Can you call?

Speaker 3:

those are goldies, I'm always curious about how, if any advice we give is helping people or yeah, for sure Do they have a suggestion Like do they have a trick? I love learning new stuff. So if there's something I'm missing that I don't know, but maybe I've thought of once, or didn't. You know, I haven't really gone to the next level with it. Please let Mark know.

Speaker 1:

I mean Join the Facebook group.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

It's all in the link tree, please. And yeah, like that's discussed.

Speaker 2:

We just wanna help people man. We want people happy.

Speaker 1:

Share with us what do you do, what do you think?

Speaker 2:

Join us. You know, is there actually here's one.

Speaker 1:

Is there a subject that you'd like us to talk about on one of them?

Speaker 3:

Ooh Now this is the interaction I've been discussing.

Speaker 1:

That would be kind of neat.

Speaker 3:

Altulately. You know, we need to do a live one, with people that can call in, and we need to have feedback. I love it. Today's special guest is our fan. Whoever you know, and let he or she have the ability to interact. I would love that Cause I think there's a good possibility that there's enough people out there that want to be helped, including us. That by coming together we just make it stronger, better, all that positive stuff. I just believe it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is just all about, you know, again, like I said, coming together and sharing stories and, you know, making each other feel that we're not alone, cause you're not.

Speaker 3:

That is the biggest factor of what can really mess your brain up is feeling like no one cares. You're alone. You're not worth anything Like all that negative stuff.

Speaker 3:

But you're not alone, but you're not, you're not the only one going through whatever you may be going through Even if you live alone, even if you feel like you haven't talked to someone for days or whatever, you're actually not alone. People who know you care. It's a question of how you reach out or how they reach out and how you connect that. That's what I've been learning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, yeah, that's how I talk and reach out, whether it's you or my sister or whoever Exactly. You know, because I understand that you know. You or my sister, whoever can read my mind all the time. You know, so it's like you know what It'll come.

Speaker 3:

One of these days where we can just hook up our brain and go here's what's going on, and it'll be like one of those South Park episodes where you see Cartman's mind and then it's like, you know, the kids are like, oh my god, it's just like what? That's just a normal moment in my brain. You know, maybe that's too personal, maybe that's too much information, but I think that's the way to go. You just have to feel, you gotta know, and feel in your heart that, yeah, no, you're not alone and that it's gonna be fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. Oh and, by all means, to Don't forget to share pictures.

Speaker 3:

Yes, please share. He's good, he's.

Speaker 1:

I want to see some scenery wherever you're at.

Speaker 3:

I think when you see this little pig, me all, all of you are gonna go oh. Yeah a couple of you're gonna go wait a minute. His eyebrows are frowning. They were Because we woke him up.

Speaker 1:

Little ball in the tail.

Speaker 3:

I didn't mean to wake you up, man, I was just. You know, I Felt, I felt kind of bad but at the same time, okay, I'm up, I'm cool, I know it. Respect, and then, you know, finally was like we got to leave this guy and I know he would have gone. Okay, finally, I'm gone, check, sleep. So it's all good. I mean, we didn't, we didn't disturb them too badly or anything. It wasn't like we were doing that, it was just more of I could tell that these are very Regal creatures, owls. They know they're cool, they know they've got it going down, and this particular owl does come out during the day too, but I got the impression. No, he came out, it really was one of these. You disturbed my royal snooze.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What is it you want?

Speaker 1:

That's exact energy I got you.

Speaker 3:

What do you need?

Speaker 1:

Standing up there going okay, my feathers and what do you want?

Speaker 3:

Like you know, do you not know? I'm sleeping like what the heck man. So that was like okay, everyone happy, you got some fish. Okay, let's leave Malone.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And that's why, when I hear him, or I'll hear them in that one spot, I'll do a couple of toots and I'm like, oh, cats, enough, leave them be.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, you don't want them going too, but no, no, no, I'm just saying we'll send some pictures out.

Speaker 3:

But I'd love to see other people's pictures of that kind of stuff. Yeah man I. I think that, given that there's people from Like everywhere around the planet in listening to us, surely there's some cool wildlife they can photograph that's nearby, I mean Uh.

Speaker 1:

I think what I'll do is I'll start posting like obviously you guys can definitely follow the instagram, um, but I'll start posting the pictures and whatnot also on facebook. So when you go to the facebook group, there you go, all right. Just not everybody has the instagram and stuff. I understand that.

Speaker 3:

I have none of it. Yeah, hey, there you go, man I mean, I got a cell phone four years ago. Finally, I was the last holdout, the last man, and he tried to break it with the technology, but the technology won.

Speaker 1:

Oh, believe me, my uh, my son is Just uplifted, man, just uh, in the last few days he got Uh, his new iphone, his personal number, own personal number, yeah, wow and he feels.

Speaker 3:

Calls and catches me because I remember, you know, in our era it was a bit later You'd get that for the most part. You know you might be 20 or 19 or whatever. It was always in the really. You know who I'm, you know what a feeling, right, independent.

Speaker 1:

So to have that, except for me.

Speaker 3:

Hey, you're looking younger than I am boy.

Speaker 1:

I was one of these. I had a page, rent a cell phone. You know I'm not getting into details, but yeah, my past life, oh.

Speaker 3:

The good old brick phone oh. We knew one guy who had a cell phone back in the early days of cell phones, and I mean my god, it was humongous.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I knew one guy, he had the, the brick phone, and then he had it's like a big brick yeah and then he had uh, one of those and they were heavy too, like this wasn't a light piece of technology, man.

Speaker 3:

I just think wait a time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it was heavy. Um and he also had um One of the first, those uh Car phones. Oh I thought that was so cool. When I went cruising with them it was just like so we have all come a long way with technology.

Speaker 3:

Um, I just didn't want to have it because a I love to talk on the phone and Most of my friends live everywhere. So, I ain't paying those kind of prices to chit-chat with my friend in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Or my friend and you know wherever. So I waited until it became really cheap and get a cheap plan. Because what the hell should I pay them extra money when Other countries you don't have this problem? So I, you know, I waited till I got the right thing and so I just I held, I held out for years. Fair enough right on because the rare time I had access to cell phones the bill was like, are you?

Speaker 2:

Never again.

Speaker 3:

You know. So that's why I held out so long. I just wanted to to come to a point where they're gonna offer what I'm looking for and I was very particular and I've had the same plan and everything now for Since I bought it. I should upgrade it and do these things that I hear about from people, but Um, as long as I can keep that plan.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm happy. I just don't want it to change. You know, that's the thing. Oh, we'll give you a really nice phone, but you're gonna have to pay more. No, I want the same thing I've been getting always.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's why you know. I feel like, yeah, I like what I got. You know, I got the um. I have to admit I like my home internet carrier is the same as my cell phone carrier, so it's all one, it's great.

Speaker 3:

Nice, yeah, I, I mean, um, the kid put these games on there and uh. I'm like well. I think you're up with video games, man, okay, and.

Speaker 1:

I, oh, my daughter puts games on my phone.

Speaker 3:

You, know my older sister's a gamer, so it's not it's just me, I, I didn't grow up with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I did my goodness.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I know you're a game, so I I got playing a couple of these games and you know I with co vid and everything where you couldn't do much I. I took these games to levels. I don't think they were meant to go. Oh, because two of them finally broke. Oh, my goodness, where they wore out and they just stopped working.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And I don't have them anymore because it's like I've played that enough, you know. And even the kid was like how in the world did you get five billion points in this particular game? Like nobody does that. And I said um, because when I get into something I really get into it, like maybe unhealthy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's kind of my behavior and I'm kind of glad I moved away from it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I. I am the poster child that, when it comes to that, that's kind of one of my challenges to like when I get playing, whether it was Nintendo, badmade or PlayStation, whatever I get bad word, I play and I play, and I play. And then I'm like, okay, I'm going to make something when I finish this boss and then I finish the boss 15 hours later and bathroom breaks.

Speaker 3:

You're like uh, when did I soil myself? Why am I hungry and why is it night out?

Speaker 1:

So again, again, lesson learned, and I you know.

Speaker 3:

No, am I compulsive, obsessive about things I like? Yeah, how much burning do I do?

Speaker 1:

Oh sure.

Speaker 3:

You know, yeah, you know do do I take it too far sometimes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Am I proud of that? Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say yes, fair enough. So, you know they always say moderation, I agree. But putting that into practice is something that gives you joy and you really like yeah, okay, I try, I try. But hey, you know only human. But when it starts taking over your life and you realize that that's all you're doing yeah, you know, you got to dial it back. You know there's nothing wrong with that. Now burning, well no it's never going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Man, I'm sorry, I get too much joy of it. I also really know the subject matter, so I feel like I, like I said to you this fall when I was working during the Hawk watch, I know what I'm missing. And then we went out and I proved it Remember we had those days and you're just like oh, I'm going, oh my God, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I don't yet I mean, it's the same thing with me, with this. As you know, I love conversation, me too. I just, you know, I'm open, like you know, whatever you want to talk about, even if it's crazy, it's like okay, let me hear it, let me.

Speaker 3:

We're going to do an episode where we really go into the realm of the whoa factor not the wow factor, the whoa factor but we're going to have to make that a special addition. We might have to do three or four of them before we get it just where we want it, because there's lots. We can go with that topic, but we have to be in the right place.

Speaker 1:

I'm not in that place right now. That could be in the members section. Yes, which is the estrus for people who are members.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know we're getting near the end and I think this is a good place to talk about you know the perk side of this, like we could go some pretty crazy stuff, but yes, you have to become a member. I think it's only right that we support our good man mark here with a little help, and that that that's how you do it, folks. Yeah, come on and join by the merch man Do the merch thing. I got merch. It's awesome, no, no pressure, no pressure.

Speaker 1:

There's no strong arming, it's just a man that backpacks pretty down. Yeah, I find really cool stuff.

Speaker 3:

I love that backpack. I get so many compliments on that back.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's cool.

Speaker 3:

It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like that's my friend's podcast.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I got checked out and they listen to it and they go well, that's really uplifting stuff and I said that's how it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I get the same when I go around in my jacket.

Speaker 3:

By the merch people. It's good merch. It's good merch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm very glad it worked out. I was very skeptical at first because, you know, you don't know what the quality is going to be. I mean, it's like okay, what's the backpack going to be? I just made All right, How's the jacket going to be?

Speaker 3:

Man. The jacket turned out great. I wouldn't put 50 bricks in it. It's not that kind of backpack, but for light stuff, like I use it for, it's perfect. Yeah you know I'm not saying I'm going to weigh it down like you would with a, you know, a heavy duty cross country. Let's go to the top of the mountain.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's more of like lunch snacks water, water, you know.

Speaker 3:

I put my food stuff in it, perfect, that kind of thing. So by that folks advertise this wonderful thing, get people talking.

Speaker 1:

Let's go down Get people squawking.

Speaker 3:

Let's just have a good old fashion doggie dog time.

Speaker 1:

The special edition zip up hoodie Really nice.

Speaker 3:

See, I got to get one of those.

Speaker 1:

And then I got to regular hoodies, of course.

Speaker 3:

I got to get that zip up hoodie. I haven't had a hoodie in years and you know today reminded me of why I like them in the wintertime. I don't like cold earlobes anymore and I get ringing when I get cold ears. I'm at that age, which is like, oh, great how are you? You know, give me heat, Give me heat Squish the cold out, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, you know.

Speaker 3:

So that's all I want to say, you know.

Speaker 1:

No, I got to merge people. I got a big thing with hoodies, as you know, I mean just hanging right, there is. How many have you counted? You are a color, don't bother my friend, I love hoodies, hoodies and shoes.

Speaker 3:

Don't ask. I didn't think it was possible you could have that many hoodies.

Speaker 1:

But there you go, hoodies and shoes. I don't know why.

Speaker 3:

Somehow I went from having two pairs of shoes forever in my life and now I've got like eight pairs of shoes.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, You're catching up. This is this is like I got 13 right there.

Speaker 3:

You understand? People don't know me, so you just have to understand, folks, that I'm the kind of person that will wear the same comfortable clothing until they're just until they're right off his feet. Okay, I don't go clothes shopping. I don't buy new stuff I do, but you know it has to be worn out because I was the youngest and I got hand me down, so that's just how it was growing up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I did. I was in the scare.

Speaker 3:

I get that mindset right. So suddenly I've got eight pairs of shoes. It's like I feel really weird when I go oh my God, what am I going to wear? What am I going to wear? It's like, how does this happen to me? Did I get like weirdly old suddenly? Or what's going on here? People like save me from the weed turtles, like what is going on, man? How the hell do I have eight pairs of shoes? Yeah, I don't know what to wear anymore and it's really freaking me out. So I've tried to do this and this is just a weird side angle. I don't know why I mentioned this, but okay, we're talking about this. I got my outdoor stuff, my work stuff and my casual you know, wear that, I only wear.

Speaker 3:

You know if we're doing something special sort of stuff.

Speaker 3:

There are enough shoes, I can do this. This is shocking to me. What happened, why? And can we expand this to shirts, pants and jackets Because I'm telling you we're working with clothing has made me understand it in a new way. So there you go If it can happen to me, this positive transformation with something as simple as shoes, people, you can do it, because I wouldn't have believed it. You told me that a year ago, I would go on your nuts and it happened to me.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it's crazy man. It's like are we in the Twilight Zone? Did something happen here? We're not in the Matrix, right, we didn't transpil it. You know, teleport into something weird, or maybe we did, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of always name for life shopcom, I will be updating it too for the season, so it's going to be other things on it as well, sweet, you know, because it's winter now.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, see, I need a really good versatile winter coat.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I have been putting it off and putting it off for way too long. I used to have the best winter coat and I wore that baby out and if you saw the type of crazy weather we used to go in, you'd go well, it lasted longer than it was ever meant to See. I always take equipment far beyond its shelf life and.

Speaker 3:

I put it to the max. So that's what I should be doing for a living is being a tester, and just, I am going to rip this thing a new buttonhole because I'm going to basically push it to the limit, and that's what I did with that coat and it finally burned out on me and I was so sad because it was the best coat I ever had. Now this is what we need to have in our wares for our peeps we need to have a coat that can do the distance.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, let's figure this out together, man because, I want to have our folks out there showing off these wicked things when they're hiking on a mountain somewhere in Africa on their holiday safari or they go to Antarctica. Look at penguins and there's our thing. I want to see this thing go so global that everybody's going to feel this wave of positivity.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and coming soon the wow line yeah. So, that'll be a fun one. Hopefully you like that one.

Speaker 3:

That's what we should call a live interaction with audiences, the wow line.

Speaker 2:

We'll make it look like.

Speaker 3:

Nice. We have an introduction, like we do a pre-skit, where, oh, my God, mark, it's the wow line. Push the button and then we start right and yeah, oh, wow, I got some crazy ideas going on. I got the wow energy man and I haven't had any drugs or nothing. I'm high on the wow wave energy. I like it All right well. I guess with that we'll leave it at that. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 3:

I think we talked to. It's been good.

Speaker 1:

It's been good.

Speaker 3:

I mean there's other things we can talk about. I think we're good, yeah, Life keeps moving. So do we.

Speaker 1:

And so do we, you know. Hence, that's why I always say, you know, love one another, be good to each other. Life is always named for us, so let's be always named for life and remember to keep the road rage to zero people.

Speaker 3:

If Mark can do it and I'm embracing it, my God anyone can do this. I just wanted to throw that out there. I mean, that to me, is the true test, when I could drive through the city and go la, la, la, la, la la. You just got me off. Yeah, who really cares? Ooh, da, da, da, da, da. Well, I try that I have crossed into a new realm.

Speaker 1:

I try to keep that analogy in a lot of things in my life, not just the driving.

Speaker 3:

I want every one of the audience members to drive with him through traffic and experience the learning curve that I have gone through. It is life transforming people, oh God or through the looking glass of your people. Oh my goodness, it is shocking that I spent all my life getting pissed off about things I couldn't control.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I got the wow energy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Now I embrace it, I drink it, I suck at it, I eat it, I feel it. Yes, yes All right, that's it from me, and that's it from him.

Speaker 1:

We're out of here. Well, until the next one. We love you, we appreciate you.

Speaker 3:

Love you so much. Feel the wow baby, feel the wow.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget, Follow, subscribe, share all those fun things.

Speaker 3:

But love of God, do it, do it. I know you want to.

Speaker 1:

We'll be back on the next one, hopefully sooner rather than later. Peace and love.

Speaker 2:

Okay, ciao, baby. That's always good for us. We're always good for life. That's always good for us. We're always good for life. That's always good for us. We're always good for life.

Speaker 3:

Gotta embrace the wow now man.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

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