AlwaysGame4Life Podcast

Harnessing Happiness: The Healing Power of Nature

Mark Russell/Rick Toochin Season 2 Episode 8

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What does it mean to truly find joy in life's everyday moments? How can the simple act of birdwatching or a quiet walk in nature transform your mindset and lead to unexpected happiness? Join us in this heartening episode as we explore these questions and more, drawing from our decade-long journey from struggle to newfound fulfillment. We share a range of personal anecdotes, discussing the ups and downs of our journey and moments when we found solace in the arms of nature. We'll also share some hilarious moments, like our Facebook Live experience atop a mountain and the camera malfunction while birdwatching.

Imagine a life where you have the power to stay positive, even amidst the toughest times. We dive into the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and how practicing mindful meditation can keep worries at bay. We also emphasize the role of community in providing emotional support and upliftment. As we continue our journey, we delve into the significance of details in nature, the joy of birdwatching, and its interconnection with music. We express our fascination with how technology can enhance this experience and make it a fun mental challenge.

Lastly, we open up about the transformative power of acceptance, self-discovery, and the strength to let go. Hear us recount personal stories of liberation, the rebirth of our spirits, and the monumental importance of extending support to others around us. We reflect on empathy and its ability to generate positive energy, with the potential to create a better world. We also touch upon the soothing power of nature photography and how backyard exploration can lead to extraordinary discoveries. We hope to inspire you to live life to the fullest, and remind you of the indomitable power of a positive mindset. Tune in and let us journey together on this path of discovery.

  Always game for life(original) written and performed by Jason Halderson
Facebook: @alwaysgame4life

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"Be good to each other and love one another because life is always game for us, so let's be always game for life!"

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Always game for life(original) written and performed by Jason Halderson

Alwaysgame4life(We stand united)(original) written by Mark Russell
Facebook: @alwaysgame4life

Speaker 1:

Hey and welcome back to another one on the Always Dream For Life podcast, where we come together, share stories, connect and maybe even have a few laughs. I hope everyone's doing amazing out there, wherever you are listening from in and around the world. So I am here and we're back with Rick. Hey, baby, yeah, baby, we back.

Speaker 2:

We're back. We're back.

Speaker 1:

You're the man and the man man and the other guy and whatever the hell that guy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god man. Okay, so I'm trying not to laugh right now. We had the funniest intro and it didn't record. So, yeah, it's so sad.

Speaker 3:

But maybe that's a good thing. I don't know, man. Yeah, we were off to such a great start. Oh my god man, it's a very good day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's pretty good day.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I hope everybody out there is having fun and laughs and joy and love, because after last year and 10 years of just being miserable, it's been like the best year ever and I've gone through Purell. I don't know what's going on. You know what it is. It's a new mindset. People that's right. It's a new day. You know it's a new day. Well, actually it's in the evening, but you know what I mean. That too, but anyway, sorry, man You're talking.

Speaker 2:

It is all good by the way, I've only had, like you know, normal food. Rick's not high right now. He's been clean for 10 years plus and, just to cover it, so is Mark, yes, moving on?

Speaker 1:

I sure am. I guess high off life man, Baby, you just took the worst ride out of my mouth. Oh, my God, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you know we're one of these. Oh, I can't say that that's copyright, never mind.

Speaker 3:

I will just say that it's a good day.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's a really good day. Great, a good day.

Speaker 1:

No, actually it's been great days for a while. It has been it's been fun, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, everyone's wondering where the hell are these two? They're supposed to be doing these podcast. What's going on, man?

Speaker 1:

I do got to apologize for the two lives that I did. That was probably a first. And I'm learning and that was the Facebook live. And that's an interesting thing, especially up on top of a mountain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got to do that again. That's fun man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just got to figure out properly. I mean, it works, but it didn't work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, you know, that was an experiment.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To be fair to everybody, and if everybody was patient with the sound and the clicks and all that. I mean it was windy, and you know, hey, we'll get it right next time.

Speaker 1:

We'll figure it out. Up on top of a mountain, I mean, that's, you know, a windy mountain.

Speaker 2:

With lots and lots of stuff to see, oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

It was a wonderful day. Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it only got better too, and I've been out doing my Hawk stuff and that's like last Sunday. I wish we were doing recording. People would have just been laughing at how excited I was because I was by myself.

Speaker 1:

Oh man.

Speaker 2:

The winds gave out the right direction. It cleared up after raining for a few days. On the calendar, with raptors they go on certain dates, the consensure calendar but you watch basically by and it was just unbelievable. I don't even know how to put into words. I mean I took all the data down. I was writing as I was trying to look at the stuff by myself and I had hundreds upon hundreds of birds, I mean just day to sheet after day to sheet. My goodness, it was insane. And of course I was trying to take the odd photo and guess what? The camera decided to not work. So I have nothing to share with you folks. I'm so sorry. He took a great eagle shot today.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we'll throw that up on there, but I will put it on Everything's on the gram.

Speaker 2:

You know, but oh God, I'm so sorry, but it was just like beyond cosmic. I mean, it was like mother nature went. Oh, you poor thing, you've had a rough go lately in life. Let's give you some joy Ding, and you know I mean it literally showed up and went. Oh crap, it's going to be one of those days.

Speaker 3:

Oh man.

Speaker 2:

It's the day of the fall and where are all my helpers? Oh, that's right, they're invisible today. I phoned everyone and, oh, I'm sorry, come on, I'll do it. Thank all the kids With you, guys, you're missing out on a chance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was, I was with my boy, I know, I know.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 2:

There's priorities. It's just that I hope that that comes again because, yeah, that's sort of day. I've learned this over 10 years plus doing this stuff. It comes one day on the calendar and you just hope you're there that day, because the day before that won't be like that, the day after that won't be like that. That is literally one day event. It's a one day only sale and everybody's got to go. It's like the whole northern part of the province and beyond went. Oh shit, it's September 24th we got to get the hell out of here.

Speaker 2:

Let's get out of here. And they're just like meow and the wind was perfect and it was one of those amazing days. You know all the smoke and junk in the air and this day was crystal clear. I could see all the way the interior of my telescope and beyond.

Speaker 2:

It was absolutely crystal clear it wasn't a cloud and the winds were over 30 kilometers an hour in the northeast, so it just blew everything into my lap. So I didn't have to look high up like we were today. They were like right there, treetop level, just cruising, cruising, cruising, cruising, cruising, and I, just I was just like this is unbelievable, and I had that last year around the same time and I've had that in other years. And I tell you, you just hit that one day and from this point on we're past it. So you're going to get the burst of that.

Speaker 2:

And then we get it in October. By the first week of October it's kind of over, the summer stuff's gone and then the winter stuff will start appearing, but you get a lull. And then I don't really do it after that because I'm not really monitoring that stuff. But I did in the past, you know. But yeah, yeah, really beautiful guys, I mean like the sky is blue and it's at September light.

Speaker 2:

So, it's still really warm, but it's not like blistering anymore and you get that nice cool breeze coming and you can feel the transition. There's just squadrons of birds flying over us, and it's very relaxing, very intense too, because I'm trying to identify everything. So it's a mental game as well as a spiritual game, as well as a oh again of just like ah, you know so yeah, no, it brings. That was like was on the mountain Relaxation. Yeah, like that. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, today was insane too, and I say today so, as everyone knows, for this is being recorded as of Friday, september 29th.

Speaker 2:

My God, it's almost the night of. My.

Speaker 1:

God, it's almost October. Yeah yeah, wow, crazy yeah, but yeah, today was pretty crazy out there. I mean, we had like flocking, squawking, whatever you want to call it this after For reasons, squadron after squadron, squadron the vultures do yeah.

Speaker 2:

And everybody travels with them. Because they don't like flapping. As you notice, they like to glide, so they want to find thermals as soon as possible. So everybody kind of knows that and they join them.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and you're seeing that today.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and the Eagles are the other one that do that.

Speaker 2:

So everybody sees the Eagles are like let's go join him, hmm.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, you know, the one thing I wish I had major, major footage of to share with everybody is my highlight of the day, and that's the Merlin. Oh my God, yeah that was crazy. It was like a midget.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are. I mean, they are, they absolutely are. They're named properly, oh my goodness, they're magical magicians yeah, they're fast, Like I know, peregrines are fast but these guys are like a miniature peregrine that can outmaneuver just about anything. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, they maneuver in a way that is beyond what you think a bird can do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You just have to see it to believe it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and I tried my hardest.

Speaker 3:

I'm telling you I followed it and I followed it right to the tree where it went.

Speaker 1:

I just man, it was so fast.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, and when it's windy and you get those guys going over, like last Sunday, oh, yeah. I mean you're looking for a vapor drill, like you're doing Mach 1. Like, can something actually fly that fast? Oh man, but falcons are like. That's why everyone loves them, because they're just built for speed, you know, yeah, yeah, but yeah, that was a fun, that was probably the funnest bird today, just because of the way it was zipping around trees, flying over the road and then zipping over telephone poles and it was just like wow is this thing on?

Speaker 2:

a string. Okay, who's radio controlling this thing Like whoa? Oh yeah, yeah, that was crazy man. So yeah, that was Radio control bird.

Speaker 1:

Oh God this is not good people, ladies. But yeah no, it was good, very fun.

Speaker 2:

And then when that lady joined us from England yeah, that was cool. And she was really into birds and man we got her like, showed her the photo of the eagle and I got her a first balled eagle of her trip and she was so excited, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just thought I'm going to try to take a shot. That's what it's all about. Just to you know, see if I can get one for her.

Speaker 2:

So she's right on the spot. I was like here, I'll see if I can get one for her. She got it. She's really happy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was nice. I like sharing that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a pleasure, you know, showing her some shots off the camera and you know some species out here. She was very wild.

Speaker 2:

She was talking about the ones at home and I knew what she was talking about. It was kind of fun and yeah, we'll probably see her again. She's going to be right for a while. I mean, if we go again, we'll probably bump into her. I mean, I go for a while longer, for sure. I do like going on October when you get the big eagle migration.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

You get bald eagles and then you get golden eagles. Oh nice, and I enjoy those days when you get multiple golden eagles.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're fun.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you know everybody kind of just like, okay, let's get out of the way of the talent, yep, yep, he's the superstar boxer. Let's just let that guy have room. Let him have room, please, oh, wow. It's really wild when they show up in the wintertime and everybody just gets out of their way. It's good. It's good so yeah, but yeah, so yeah, we were. We did the podcast thing and I'm people enjoyed it and I was really happy about that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What we need to do is get hold of some equipment so we can, in real time, while we're talking, show people what we're looking at. I don't know, maybe nowadays you can do that, just because technology is so much better, but it would be fun if we could or edit it in so they can see it after.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can definitely do that, the footage that I get and then edit it in with it.

Speaker 2:

But like getting a video where they see them flying and that sort of thing, yeah, yeah. I don't know, I don't know how we do that, but we'll think about it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because people enjoy that. That's the main point, right, and the joy and the relaxation and de-stress and all those things that get into life's way. So yeah for me. I lost my job on Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning, I don't even remember where. I blocked it all, oh God.

Speaker 2:

You know for very ridiculous reasons and I'm not going to go into it. But I'm looking hard now. But you know, in the past, because we were talking about stress in the past, I would have dealt with that terribly and I mean I've talked to you every day. If I've been stressed out, I've been as happy as you've ever seen me. I'm like relaxed, I'm like no, it's going to be okay and what it is is I'm in a very positive state of mind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're in a whole different state of mind.

Speaker 2:

And I'm bringing positive energy in that. I'm putting out and I'm staying in my circle, I'm not letting things get to me. Yeah, money is always going to be stressed, especially in this world.

Speaker 1:

We live in oh.

Speaker 2:

God, I won't get into that, but I have a feeling that it was for a reason like you said, and other friends said and it'll be okay, and I think that that's a lesson we all try to learn our daily lives on just stuff that comes up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, it's like I told you on the phone, you know, when you first broke the news to me. You know I just told you like you know. I'm sorry that happened. That sucks. But at the same time. Like everything happens for a reason. It happens when it's meant to happen, that's right. And then I said you got to sit back and just think, oh well, I wasn't really happy there anyway, and I clearly know that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I met some really nice people and that kept me there longer than I would have normally have stayed. But what I was doing and the way that was done to make us do it was horrible. But you're quite right and yeah, I think it'll work out okay in the end. I mean, I wanted to change it anyway. It's not quite the way I want to do it, but what I'm trying to tell folks out there is stay positive, Don't let the anxiety creep in. I did a little bit and then I managed to keep it out.

Speaker 1:

You're human man, your dream goes to your mind, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you know it's amazing, if you've got that ability to stay positive, in a sense of you've learned how to meditate that circle, keep that circle of energy, keep that positive, you can really push that stuff out. I never believed that until this started happening. And then we've had a lot of really interesting things happen.

Speaker 3:

This week, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, in my personal life and yours, and just like the birds, and so it's like okay, so there's something to that and it's a real thing. And I'm thinking, if I just keep it up and you know, if things are going to be okay, they'll work out, and I really am believing that. And I think that it's hard to do. So people out there listening are like oh, come on, rick, that's hard to do. It is hard to do.

Speaker 2:

I agree, oh yeah, but it's like it's a work thing. You're constantly working at it, you don't just get it and go over done.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

You know you're constantly working at it and you're constantly fine tuning it and you just build on it and it's incredible how it's, I don't know. It's like when you work out you get stronger and stronger, your endurance gets stronger. It's kind of like that sort of thing, maybe a little different, but it's very similar.

Speaker 2:

And so you're able to cope with it better. So don't give up. Out there, those folks out there, you know we're down or feeling stress or anxiety or, you know, had similar situation to me or whatever. It's going to be okay. You know there's people who believe in you. I can't believe how I forgot a community of people. I know now I didn't have anybody for years. I just knew a couple of burner friends and now I've got this like community of people. So it really works that positivity attracts positive people. I told you that and you're right, and people, he's right, it really works. I mean it's, this is rock solid stuff and I'm really enjoying it. I mean, shit, I'm 54 in about a month and I feel like I'm 24 again. I know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's just amazing. That's good, that's good to hear. You know, I'm like mindset and all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, aches and pains and all that.

Speaker 1:

And all that.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like eh, you know what, I could get over anything if I feel in my mind like I'm still 24. And I know, you know, when I'm growing up I there was older people always around me and I'd always be this really old folks. And this one relative mind, she just said, you know, it's just a number, and she was about 80, whatever at the time. And she said, you know, I'm 80, I think it was 85 or four or whatever she was, but really I'm like 32. And you know, you're a kid, you're like whoa, that's cool, but actually that's young and it's so true, stay young at heart.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's a true, it's really true. You're only as old as you feel.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I mean it's, it's, there's so much it brings man it really does. It's totally true.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I almost didn't believe when I was younger. I'm like, oh, come on, what does that mean?

Speaker 3:

And now I'm older Like okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is true, you know. So yeah, I'm getting out birding, I'm just going for nice walks. I mean I'm doing all the job searching and all that fun stuff yeah. Yeah, yeah, but I'm also getting out and walking and I'm doing my exercise and I'm staying positive and, um, wow, I mean it's just, it happens. Good stuff happens when you're in that mindset.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, like even that day at the river, oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that was yesterday and it was a beautiful walk.

Speaker 3:

It's hard to believe Like these things are so intense folks.

Speaker 2:

It feels like it was a month ago.

Speaker 3:

It was actually this yesterday.

Speaker 2:

So we went down to the Fraser and we were walking along the dike there and it was just yeah, so it had rained and there was the mist and that low cloud you get after the rain stops. Now I've learned when it pitter-patter's like that, it's very light and it's in the morning in its fall migration. So we're in the calendar of September. That's the magic month, by the way. Be patient, because what's going to happen is the rain's going to ease up All the little songbirds that got knocked down with that and are feeding and that are going to get active, and that's what happened.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so the rain goes off, and I mean like, just if you know what you're looking for you're going.

Speaker 2:

How can there be this many birds? And we haven't even walked one half a kilometer, like you saw that and then I said okay, so you know what's going to happen. There's going to be birds underneath that low cloud as it lifts. They're going to be trying to fly because the wind's picking up Sure enough, stuff starts flying underneath. All the birds are braiding the trees. We had. We had vultures, eagles, red tails, ospreys, everything Paragons. They're all sitting in these trees along the river. They all lift at the same time. I mean it was just like holy cow and I just said, oh, it's getting bright out, the clouds are breaking, everything's going to go. It's the right time of morning, because they go at a certain time of morning and it all happened and I tell you I wish more people could experience that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and the greatest part. It was unreal Because I had three batteries with me, with my camera.

Speaker 2:

All of them were dead, yeah yeah, and I said, oh, we're going to have a great day today because your camera doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

Yep no camera today.

Speaker 2:

The mother earth, the creator, whatever you want to call that. My mission in life is not to worry about taking pretty pictures. I do take them, but for me it's to have the experience and to understand what's going on not necessarily to take pictures of it.

Speaker 3:

So whatever the camera, doesn't work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's insane days and people with me go, wow, we should have got photos of that. I'm used to it.

Speaker 1:

I think I did. It's fine. I'm used to the photographer part, as you know.

Speaker 3:

Well, me too. But I mean if my camera?

Speaker 2:

I didn't have a camera.

Speaker 2:

I was like hey, whatever, I enjoyed the day there's so much going on and it's not just like five feet in front of you, like I guess a lot of people maybe. They look about 20 feet in front and that's about it. I'm looking as far as my eyes can see, as you know, and I'm scanning all the time and I'm picking up stuff that's moving around and it's wonderful stuff. I wish we could last longer, but it gets the best sleeps from it, because you're using your mental processors so much you're actually really getting a workout and you don't realize it. I mean the walking and all that sure.

Speaker 1:

But this is your mental workout. So when you go to sleep.

Speaker 2:

You're just like. It's beautiful. So if you're an insomniac, take a burning and really get hardcore here to be sleeping like a baby. You don't need meds.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and the biggest bonus is you're just out there in Mother Nature.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's very healing, you know Very spiritually healing.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's days. Well, I mean I gotta say we've been pretty lucky. I mean I don't think Lux, my middle name. I don't think we've gone out and not actually had a day where we haven't seen anything but Lux, my middle name.

Speaker 2:

No, it's the time of year.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Remember I told you in the summer I'm taking the summer off unless you want to go look at the breeders and go travel and go to where they are. And I've done that. I'm just going to do other stuff. And that's what I did. And then I said but wait till fall, I come back to life and I'll be right in my zone. And you know, like a professional golfer, the first day you're just a little rusty but you do it long enough. You catch on again real quick. Doesn't maybe take me more than five minutes now I used to take a day or two now, just like bang, bang, bang, bang. And now I'm in that zone, I'm in that area of I mean I could miss something but I try not to. So I'm really paying attention and you've already got that. You've got that down. It's really fun to be with someone birding that gets that so quick.

Speaker 1:

When I find something that I enjoy, but not to a point where, like you know, I'm hardcore I just enjoy it. Then I start to. I want to know more but at the same time I'm so enjoy I'm not hardcore, but some people I know.

Speaker 2:

No, but I'm like, I'm in touch with it, I'm.

Speaker 1:

I'm connected. Yeah, I mean you've been doing this since, oh man.

Speaker 2:

I'm connected to it in a different way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, absolutely. I mean, you've been doing this since you were at Ohio, like I'm reading what's going on.

Speaker 2:

So you saw that yesterday. I'm reading the weather and what's up out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, your attention to details intrigues the hell out of me.

Speaker 2:

So, guys, I just want you to understand, like I know what's going to happen before it happens. This is the trippy thing when you hang out with me, spook some people and you know, bless them, they couldn't go do something else. But the people who want to learn, like Mark, hang out and they see what I see and they learn to see that and then you recognize that next time and you'll have the same experience.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and then you do that.

Speaker 2:

You do it enough, you get to know. So I've been doing it a long time. Like fishermen are like that, they can walk in the water?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, they can walk in the water.

Speaker 1:

You know it's the same kind of thing, same idea, yeah, but it just intrigues me a lot. I mean, that's a big thing, as I'm pretty sure you can tell that I pay attention to a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I noticed that Out of everything, most people don't pick up on that Like oh, he's looking at the weather and he's looking at. You know the season, the time, okay, the wind. With the calendar, yeah, what time of day? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

How the clouds are, you know, formed and set how they look. How they look, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So today, when we were driving from my place, I could see it was breaking and I was like oh, are we too late, are we just on time?

Speaker 2:

And I could tell you, when we were driving I saw that first squadron of ulcers. I went oh, we might have just hit the beginning, but they were a bit high, so we may have missed a little bit for the first half hour. That's fine, we still hit it really, really dead on, you know. But I can tell. There's just. I just know the lighting's a certain way, the angle of your shadow is a certain way, the way the wind is, the way the temperature is, I don't know. I'm just so connected and it's kind of hard to work inside for me, but I'll do it, you know, paycheck to paycheck.

Speaker 2:

But, you know I go asked on one job. You know snowing outside, it's bitterly cold, it's like minus 15 and I'm going out to my car at lunch and eating and being outside.

Speaker 2:

My boss goes why aren't you in the lunch room with everyone else? And I said well, I like being outside, even when it's cold. Yep Two, I wouldn't have seen the Bohemian wax wings I saw today in the parking lot. She's like oh, and I said I wouldn't have seen. You know, there's like three birds I saw that day because of the snow and I said you know, I'm not, I'm a social guy, but I'm also someone likes to decompress and just sort of maybe meditate with nature and recharge my battery, because you know, work is work. It's kind of strange a bit that I'm sure if there's folks out there listening and know what I'm talking about, I mean, maybe everybody is. I don't know, I'm just on my me and she kind of at first was a little bit oh really, and at the end she's like oh really, wow.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And that, to me, says something about me. I just like to be outside. I'm not saying I want to live in a tent, done that with work and all that Wanted to do, push work and that kind of passed that, but I do like being outside.

Speaker 1:

No, that's what I think I relate to a lot is.

Speaker 2:

I love the serenity of being out in nature, you know just feeling of just saying it's like freedom it really is, and it's like the best virtual reality game there is, because, I mean, you never know what's going to pop up in front of you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Like I remember a year or two ago it was spring and Dave and I were at the river where we were yesterday, you know, we're just walking along the path and then we decided to take a trail that went right along the edge of the river you know, and we're looking for little warblers and sparrows and things.

Speaker 2:

And then I see something in the corner of my eye and I went hold it, dave. I think I just saw a and I looked down, oh wow, a beaver. And I don't mean a little beaver, I mean a big, big, big, big beaver. And what does he do? He hauls himself up on a log right below us and just starts chilling out and Dave's like I have got to take photos. And I'm like, ok, dave, but can you do it not disturb? He goes yeah, yeah, I'm good at that. And I thought, yeah, you are.

Speaker 2:

He's incredible, he did he snuck down in a way, got these great shots, and then another one joined it, which was a little smaller. And I'm thinking to myself well, you know, that's the kind of a love random thing about what we do, Like I'm looking at birds and I'm looking at the butterflies when they're on the dragonflies, I mean, I look at everything but mammals. Oh, I don't see them all the time. So they have the special place for me whether it's a bear or whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's like that one spot we go to, you know we're looking at birds and and others that dragonflies and that's you know a bear jumps right across the sea and our path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that one bear was like I love that you know, even Keelan's. Just like Dad, I turned around. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's the bear's like.

Speaker 3:

Excuse me pardon me, pardon me, he's got to get around you here.

Speaker 2:

Thanks guys. Goes into his trail and you know it's kind of like Keelan was like you weren't even fazed. I said no no no, I've had them practically lick me. It's OK, as long as you're not freaking out and doing something crazy like start running. They're going to have an instinct to go out. You know they don't leave you alone. I said, especially around here. Are you kidding?

Speaker 1:

We just can't do you Totally, you're not going to want to bug you, you know like. So yeah, no no, I find, if we continue on with what we're doing, they continue on with what they're doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right, different if we're out in actual wilderness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

These are. You can't see me doing the you know the doctor, evil air. But you know they're urban bears and so you know it's a little different and I don't want to have anything happen to them, so I I'm not going to encourage them to freak out, obviously. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I've had that happen on that one spot many a time where I feel something brush by me and oh, hello, mr Bear, and by Mr Bear.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's literally like excuse me, we got to get to my berries. You kind of in the way. Thanks there. Ok, see you later. Yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

Of course, the berries for them are across the street. Don't say anything. Oh, I was going to give it away. I don't give it away, Mmm. Berries across the street.

Speaker 2:

I know where that is, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Little joke there folks.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, but anyway, yeah, but see if, if you're someone out there that likes nature and you're getting into this, ok, and you happen to be extremely musically gifted, it's a really great hobby for you, because all the little chips and chips and zips and zips that these birds do, I know them all and most people can't do that because they don't have that ear. You seem to have it and your uncle Al had it until his hearing started to go. But it makes it more fun because I don't even have to look like today. I'm looking at vultures and yellow rubber flying over. Well, pipette, stella J, doughty Whitbecker, harry Whitbecker.

Speaker 1:

I never looked at anything. It does make it more fun, even for me, oh by the Greenswell, but the stage of Matt right now it is a lot of it. I don't know what I'm hearing.

Speaker 2:

To be honest, that's right. That's right. It takes a long time to learn that, but I do hear it, but it's just a really fun mental challenge. I'm just going to put that out to people. You know if you really want to try, try. And you know you got technology now that I never had growing up, where you can have it on your phone right there.

Speaker 2:

And you can figure out. Oh, to swallow. Ok, I can look at all the different swallows. Oh, that's the call. You know, it's a lot quicker. That took me years to do. You can do a much more compressed time, you know. So there is that and. But yeah, that adds an element to it. That's kind of fun too. So there's the visual and there's the audio.

Speaker 3:

You know yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I love about. I mean I saw that red admiral butterfly today and it's like whoa, that's getting late. I mean, you know, usually I see them in August, but you can get them in years later, in September I suppose, if it's hot like that, you know. But just that was just so nice. And the dragonflies today and the blue darners that were flying around those big blue ones, you know, and yeah. And oh that the woolly bear caterpillar? Oh right, yes, that was big oh.

Speaker 2:

I was the size of my thumb and I was going across the road and I went we can't have that on the road, no way. So I had my little notepad where I was doing my data collection on the hawks and so I got him to crawl on there and I took him across and you got some photos. You should put those up if you got anything good, I hope I did.

Speaker 1:

I was having issues with my camera, but I'll have to check.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, you too See, it's a, it's a virus. It goes from one camera to another.

Speaker 3:

Where's Dave?

Speaker 2:

when you need him.

Speaker 1:

Oh, where are you, dave? He was incredible oh.

Speaker 2:

Dave man. I mean, oh, it will have to get him to come over one time and try to be.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if he'll say much, but Talk about a steal and a talent or I don't know. He's been like that since he was a kid.

Speaker 2:

When I met him and he was a kid he was very, very talented. Oh man, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He takes these crazy photos and my friend Mike's like that. He's just at another level and I phone. I was going to phone him and he phoned me yesterday and he was getting on the ferry to go up to I think he was going to Jasper for both to photograph wildlife, not birds but like animals. So when he wants to get all those shots where you've got like the goat sitting out with the snow kind of just hanging off the fur, oh OK like he's into that kind of stuff, oh nice, and he, he just takes the most insane pictures.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I've known a lot of photography people. Wow, we don't have the echo on anymore, you know whoa. Anyway, the WOW, holy moly network. So, yeah, yeah, but yeah no, it's considering all the crazy shit. This year it's been going OK for me and you seem to be, doing planes, yeah, I think the burning is helping too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nature Like it's very healing. Just in the past, well, two years definitely has been just amazing.

Speaker 2:

You don't need drugs. You've got nature right there to uplift you.

Speaker 1:

No, I think the past two years of how much I've spent out in nature, which is more than I have in a long time. I mean, paul and I have gone out, and what not?

Speaker 2:

But, like yep, that's all I did Every day. That's all I did growing up. Yeah every waking moment. And I live in the city so I'd be trying to find green space.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, but I think that's been really really helping. That's good. You know my mental health big time. I mean, look at where I'm at. I feel like the state of mind I've been.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, if you have anxiety, if you have the anxiety and someone starts talking to you.

Speaker 2:

In a normal setting you'll feel that when you're out in nature you're already kind of relaxed. You're more inclined to just go engage. Yeah, yeah Like today and I think that says a lot for the power of that as a healing tool, because I used to suffer from anxiety issues a long time ago too, and I found that when I was out in nature I never had problem with that.

Speaker 1:

I was when.

Speaker 2:

I was in an indoor setting, or in school or whatever I have a lot of trouble talking to people, and even at work I still kind of have that at times, but I find like going out on lunch breaks or, you know, that kind of thing helps break down that. So I feel like, ok, I can talk to people Right Right.

Speaker 2:

My last job. Most people yeah, there's a few people that, for whatever reason, didn't like me. Well, you can never get everyone to like you, so screw that. But most people wanted to hang out and work with me at least one time during the week because I would make it fun, and that's probably why they got rid of me. I was having too much fun because, you know, taking that shit seriously, I'm sorry. No, never will. I mean for one thing, oh, I can't go into that.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, almost say, as you know. I mean, I wasn't trying to be the popular guy, no, but it just seemed like everybody wanted to say hi and you know, hey, how's it going. It was nice because I'm just somebody who's normally very closed off and not. I don't normally talk to people at work and I'm not that kind of way. And then suddenly I'm a different person. I'm more who I really am. I'm more of a bubbly person and happy, and this is really who.

Speaker 3:

I am yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's kind of like all that trauma I got rid of is finally gone, and I was trying to tell my ex that you know, once you get rid of this and you work at it, it just won't come back, like that book tells you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, doctor.

Speaker 2:

Doctor Matt, his book, it doesn't come back. Yeah, so there's hope out there, folks, you can get better and you know we believe in you and you got to believe in yourself first. But you know there's other people here who believe too and I don't know. We got to have one where people call in or something and see if we can talk.

Speaker 3:

So the hotline is open.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm Dr Rick. How can I help?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All my favorites the symptoms, Hi, Dr Nick. Yeah, that's my favorite, Because if people used to bug me, say you're Dr.

Speaker 3:

Nick, hello everybody, oh God, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it's true, man I mean Mark is doing a lot better, and obviously I am, and I'd like to think that there's people that they're benefiting just from us sharing that. I don't really read any of that stuff, so let me know.

Speaker 1:

No, it's I probably, should it's been great, you know this whole different mind state and it just it makes it that much more enjoyable to enjoyable and better Even the relationship with me and both my children.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, and yeah, yeah, I'm going through that with mine. He's feeling a lot better, hanging out with me. You know I'm in a better state. Yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Like with these new experiences, I mean taking my daughter to circus training, I mean that is so cool. Imagine, in a million years, circus training. I've never even thought of that.

Speaker 2:

I want to ask the question Is there anyone out there listening here that would know people who do that? Because I was so blown away. That is the coolest thing I've ever heard. I never would have thought of that as a kid I mean, yeah, you go to the circus, all we be fun to do, but you never think we're actually doing it, you know.

Speaker 1:

I know there's got to be someone else out there going.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I've done that, so pipe up, please let us know. I mean. I mean, I grew up on the trapeze. I was just like wow, that is so cool. Oh man, I got to go next time with your dig a video. I can take a look at what's going on. I mean, I just find that fascinating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, this, this girl just pulls my mind.

Speaker 2:

I mean, well, she's part of that part.

Speaker 1:

You know, boy, that was cool.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh, that was, we should put that photo. Oh, I definitely will yeah.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, you know how she just chumps and tries everything. It just, it just.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's a very proud dad right, there Isn't that great. That's the way it's supposed to be, Like piano lessons vocal lessons force back writing.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, hip hop dancing. Wow, another style dancing story I can't remember. No, it's OK. The thing is that she's doing cool things. I'm like wow.

Speaker 2:

Her mind in the right way.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And she'll be a real contributor to society because she's balanced, happy, where we all want to be. Damn it, but you know, dysfunctionality creeps into everyone's lives in some weird way and screws us up so we can never do what we want to do. I'm finally feeling at 54. Oh, wow, I'm finally happy. Look, smithers, I'm happy. Woo, you know it's like finally. Holy crap it took me, oh my God it took a long time, you know, and it's kind of like I'm really happy to hear a young person having that kind of experience.

Speaker 1:

It's funny. I felt the same. It's very rare.

Speaker 2:

It seems like I don't ever hear about that anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. It's funny I felt the same, you know, not like a few years back, when I turned 40. I was just like wow.

Speaker 3:

Oh you young child.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I'm 40 and I'm now starting to live.

Speaker 3:

Wow, we're going to live the way they meant us to live. Damn it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well you know it never too late, man, I know you know, and I was thinking back about this when I was going through the pain of my beginning of my divorce and that, and I was reliving a lot of shit. Now it's traumatizing me terribly and I've let it all go. Now I'm cool. But you know, I thought, oh, I was so happy back then and I started really thinking about it going. What's that? Because there's an illusion of happiness and then there's true happiness and I think, looking at it now from being where I'm at, this is true happiness and that was illusion happiness.

Speaker 2:

And I think there is a difference between that, and I'm glad I finally found what I had actually been looking for and how to describe this. Well, I guess it's like anything you have to go through pain, you have to fall down to get back up and rise higher. I don't know if a lot of people have said that, but it really is true, and I was in such a horrible state last year, and then at Christmas, I realized this can't go on. Something has got to change, and I didn't know how to do it though. So then it was around I don't know January, february, somewhere in there, maybe sooner, I can't remember exactly anymore, but Uncle Al there gave me that book and I read it and it's a pretty technical, thick thing.

Speaker 2:

I read it in about three or four days. I blew through it and it was just wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. This is capturing everything I'm thinking and you wanted to change, you wanted to do something.

Speaker 1:

That's the number one thing, though.

Speaker 2:

It's like when you want to give up drinking, you have to want to give it up.

Speaker 2:

You have friends drugs you see friends falling down. And there was a really nice gal I used to work with and she just, you know, alcoholic and she had a lot of problems in life and you want to help so bad. She's such a good person. But I said to a couple of people I worked with who were also friends, I said, look, you know this better than me, she has to want to stop. Until that day comes, we have to sit here and watch this. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. We can be supportive. We can't change her mindset. It's a mindset, so you know. You think about that. Okay, so that happened. Then I had that near death experience and that just changed everything. It was like, oh man, now my brain just turned on and that's probably what I needed to reboot me. My heart is okay.

Speaker 2:

I had it checked out, it was a weird fall that caused it, so thank God. But I mean I try to stay in shape now and I'm not messing around. I try to eat what I can healthy. I don't really eat bad anymore or anything. So I'm doing all the right things, but it's a mindset. You have to want it Now, if you're stuck not quite getting it and you want it, patience, it will come. This is the thing that I can't stress enough to people. Yes, you want to change it.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it takes, years it takes sometimes it takes years.

Speaker 2:

It took me years, I mean, but it will come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, nothing comes overnight.

Speaker 2:

Everything will reach the point of the top of that mountain that you finally go. You're up, you're over bang and there it is. And joyful moment when it does happen. When I liberated myself from all that BS I had from childhood, I felt it leave. I see why people say born again. That's how it felt, like a little purge of my body.

Speaker 1:

We basically got to basically I don't know how to put it pull the act of a Phoenix rise from the ashes. Bingo yeah, I mean, it's rebirth.

Speaker 3:

There's all sorts of words.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I mean, without putting the feeling to it, it's kind of just using words, but it's true. Yeah, man, I mean it's intense and like I've said, lots before it's acceptance and letting go. Acceptance is a really big thing, though, okay.

Speaker 1:

I mean that everything, no matter what it is, everything shall pass. So there's always going to be that moment where we're singing here and we're looking back at that day that shitty day or whatever happened. It's inevitable, you know. So everything shall pass.

Speaker 2:

It's just the way it is, you know the day in the car it talks to my ex and I confronted her about what was going on and I was really cool about it, calm, and I suddenly realized because I'm not being selfish about me anymore whoa, she's shaking, literally shaking, and I'm talking calm and everything. It's not like that, folks, it's more of I had an epiphany no longer about me anymore because I've lived on my own for a while. So you get to think about yourself all the time. I had this sort of whoa wait a minute, what's going on? Why are you shaking?

Speaker 2:

And she was talking about her anxiety about being there and unfortunately, you know, like create this anxiety in her and she doesn't know why. But she kind of remembered why it started and now it's getting out of control and I realized that you know you can help others too and you can by your actions you can make it less stressful, you can make it better, and they people will see that. And so what happened was it went from being an extreme divide, because I was pretty upset with everything, and then I sort of thought about what I had done, what she had done. Okay, okay, yeah, okay, you don't accept it right.

Speaker 2:

What you're talking about. I'm not married to really anymore and then I'm going to be done pretty quick here, but I'd say we're much closer in a different way.

Speaker 2:

We're not partners like lovers or anything, but we're very close because we have a child and we're not fighting about anything or anything. But it's just an amazing relationship now and I think that that's all I could ever ask for in that situation. I think it's a blessing it's worked out that way, because I hear so many horror stories. But what I'm getting at is that you have to be able to see yourself and see other people empathy.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm trying to say there's this empathy that comes with this ability to be happy. So, this thing that we're talking about, you have to find that empathy to see that there is pain in everyone.

Speaker 2:

And when you offer yourself to help people, you actually are putting energy out. That's very pure good energy and you get that back twice over. You really do so. That's something I want to mention too, because I was doing that, like my friend at work former work I'd work with her and oh, I don't want to get into all the horror stories that are going on in life and I would just say, look, we're work friends, we're friends, I'm here for you, you can talk to me if you want. If you don't want, that's okay, but just know you're not alone and if you need any help, just let me know. Made a big difference for her. I could tell. I mean she never asked anything of me, but you could tell it just helped. And I always felt really positive afterwards, like okay, I'm putting out good energy and it's coming back to me. It's actually coming back stronger and this is how you make a better society and a better world Empathy. Empathy is important to mention.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, absolutely, it's all part of it.

Speaker 2:

It's a key to it. I could give you other stories, but I think those are kind of the ones that come to my mind, that really struck me, one of the biggest things I mean for all of us humans is being shown that someone cares or that there is some form of support and it's like whoa, that's right, that's right. Yeah, that's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

There's someone recognizing, there's someone paying attention, there's someone listening.

Speaker 2:

I mean I wish I could help all those people I see out there in the tents and on the streets. You know, I know they're having rough pills because there's no one there for them, etc. Unfortunately you can't give too much of yourself away, but you can treat people with dignity. You can be respectful.

Speaker 2:

And you should get it back Now. Sometimes you don't Okay, they gotta be careful, but it's just, you know, when I see that I see those people didn't have anyone that cared, so they have this thing where they're not worth anything. A lot of them or they had a really shitty thing happen and now they're surviving and we're always one step away from that hell. I'm in that situation right now, but I'm not going to be for long. I'm going to change that.

Speaker 2:

But, what I'm getting at is, you know, empathy. You know why is this person using heavy drugs? Well, it's because they're in pain, something terrible happened to them. They're trying to numb it. Yeah Right, group and abuse of household. I understand I used to do lots of drugs and nothing too crazy, but you know enough that it was a lot and then I drank excessively. I was an alcoholic for sure. I don't touch anything anymore. I find different outlet to be positive, because that's a. Unfortunately, it's a trap door and it's very hard to open it and get back to the other side. When you fall in, it traps you. You get addicted to that numbness feeling. You know it's a fake happy. It's not really doing anything. All you're doing is numbing yourself slightly, but you're not dealing with anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're, you're masking it.

Speaker 2:

That's what I tried to tell my friend you're masking it she. She understood what I was saying but you know when, when you're in that mindset and you're not ready to let go of it you know, and I I knew that, so I didn't push it too hard. But just want to let her know. You know like people care. Yeah, yeah, that's all you need to hear sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Just knowing that someone is listening, someone's paying attention.

Speaker 2:

That's how you build that happiness, that positive energy. Okay, oh wow, someone cares I'm worth something. Oh wow, there's the first step. You know, just build and build and build and then you can make it. So it's very much a force, because there's so much negative garbage going on around us right now that you need that or all. You just get sucked into that void of garbage. And I mean, who wants to be around that? I don't. I only have to go out the door and just see. You know, another beautiful hillside shaved of trees.

Speaker 2:

I mean every single bloody tree, it's like oh man, and that hurts me it hurts me in a way I can't tell you in words and it's just unnecessary greed. You know, you don't need to cut every effing tree down.

Speaker 1:

I mean what the hell's wrong with?

Speaker 2:

you? Oh, our air is all bad. Yeah well, cutting down all trees, what do you expect? They clean the air at dummies create home for animals.

Speaker 1:

I mean like, oh yeah, I think the other day shocked me, showed that one spot, oh, I was wrong.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even.

Speaker 1:

It didn't even. I just looked and I was like what? Because, I felt like I was just there the other day.

Speaker 2:

We were in the spring, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But when you showed me, when I turned my head, I was like we were there in.

Speaker 2:

August, before they did it yeah, we were there in August, man, and we had really nice stuff there, unbelievable. You can't replace that type of stuff, that's gone and so I went down there and the thing I want to say and I'll sound weird here I don't care I'm in touch with nature. I could feel the scream to those trees. I could feel the screaming energy. I couldn't stay there for very long.

Speaker 2:

I can feel it, I can feel that sadness and it's just like why? What possible reason did you have to direct this habitat Like it was on a hillside? There was nothing. You can't develop, that, no, no. And all you did was screw all the birds and animals that live in these bear trails and animal trails that were there. Now they're gone. I don't think that's legal, but nowadays that stuff doesn't seem to matter to anybody and cares.

Speaker 1:

Developing. Oh yeah, we've seen birds, we've seen bear or we've seen coyotes there. I mean, there's coyote trails and bear trails there, and other animals too, and I was.

Speaker 2:

I was a little choked that was allowed to happen. But anyway, that's the kind of stuff that can overwhelm me. And it's not a callousness, not anything. I just kind of I wish their spirit to move on and I try to just tune it out. But I will say things to people. I will let people know. You know, like, what the hell was out about and why did that happen. And most people this is the thing I find very interesting Most people you say that to will go. Yeah, that seems like overkill. Why are you letting it happen? Why are you letting your city council get away with that? They're all making buckets of money off the death of those trees and this structural environment. Why are you letting that happen? Yeah, people care about the federal and the provincial level. They'll seem to realize that the local level is actually the most stuff that affects your life.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah and the only people that go into that are developers, and people are to make a profit, as far as I can tell, shady people. Sorry, but that's what I've seen everywhere. I've lived all over the place and that's all I ever see the local level man and it's really unfortunate it does not be that way.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, no, but I'm just saying that's kind of stuff I have to push back against with. You know, the negatives right, the negative energy, like it. That's to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm thinking for you, yeah so for me to get positive, I just I hope to God, you know, there's some still some nature around and some birds or whatever, and then I find that again. So, but that's how you have to, that's the coping mechanism, that's all stress, so but it, yeah, everybody sees things differently. You know, for me there's other things too, but that that's the worst one that I can think of. That happened, like very recently, and I saw oh, that was a nature thing, yeah, that was local, you know, but yeah well, yeah, I mean it definitely affects more.

Speaker 1:

I think I mean regardless it does, but I think it affects more when it's somewhere that we go, where we went. You know, yeah, oh, I've had all my childhood places destroyed.

Speaker 2:

Not one of them lives anymore, like I used to do. It's all ruined, every one of them to ruin now.

Speaker 1:

That was in Vancouver, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're, they're all gone or trashed, or just so many people that don't understand what that's about that, what that's actually they just don't care. They throw garbage, they trash it and it's just gone. So I have my memories. That's about it, that's and and that's the sad truth, you know yeah. So, folks, you know, when people say we need to do something, we do need to do something. We need to stand up and be heard. Stop killing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah we need it to live for God's sake. And it's a beautiful organism. This planet we live on it's a incredible thing and when you get open to it, you know, open that third eye to it. Yeah you just suddenly see it the other way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have in the last Two years, I guess now it's been. You know, I just, yeah, I mean I've seen more than I ever thought I ever, I mean I didn't even know existed. That's right. That's right, yeah, that's right, and, and you know it's been fun, it's it is, yeah, and that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

It's supposed to be fun, post educational, but also supposed to be enlightening. Yeah and all the positives you can imagine, right. So always look at it like that. But also, you know, care for it and understand that it's not cool to pollute it and destroy it either. You know it's all I'm gonna say. You know fragile balance right. Like you can live with it. You can do things in it. Yeah but respect it and have a balanced approach.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I think a lot of my. I think I developed a huge love for it, more so than I have. It's just. There's the way it makes me feel. Exactly, you know, pure happy great day and then I come home and it's like man that was, I got so much air.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so much. Yeah, it makes this beautiful, this living easier when you've been outside and how that kind of thing. Yeah, yeah yeah, it's healing. It's so healing, right, oh yeah. So yeah, but yeah, no, I'd love to know, like you, you were telling me that people listen to the podcast all over the place, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, according to the stats, I guess.

Speaker 2:

I would love to love it if some of the folks it shows that they far away, tell us what kind of birds are seeing, or nature it shows, send you photos. Can they send photos in or something, or sure?

Speaker 1:

they all.

Speaker 2:

The Everything's okay, guys, you got to do that because I like to hear what people see in a description that lady for England.

Speaker 1:

You know you can post that lady for.

Speaker 2:

England man. She's showing us photos and talking about all the birds. It's like I do that the podcast get people to say, hey, this is what I had today. Or I was out walking. You know, doesn't have to be anything fancy, just here's a trail I was on, you know, yeah. No that would love that. I think that'd be so fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'd be wonderful because I mean, according to my stats, or you know what it says, it people listen. Norway, wow, russia, I mean. Sweden global, like places I can't even pronounce, you know, okay, so guys, guys, ladies, gentlemen, everyone you know, seriously think about that.

Speaker 2:

You're going for a walk.

Speaker 1:

I want to say something and I send us some pictures, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean don't have to be selfies of you in the photo going hey, look at me doing that. If you want to, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll do, just take a shot, I'll do. It's going to description of the show. Find my Instagram and follow. Follow me and then I will see it. Yeah, I will see.

Speaker 2:

I just want to see if people are getting out and enjoying nature on Instagram. There's gotta be some people listening that are like Walker I'm gonna do that, you know. I would love that I know you, or?

Speaker 1:

join me always named for life fellowship on on Facebook, the Facebook group. That's where we chat and say hello and Share a story, share pictures, share whatever you know. Yeah, you can always join there. There's a pretty good fellowship there. I don't like the word community Sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's just me. There's certain words that are overused now and I I'm not gonna get into them, but if I said them, there's someone on there that we going. Oh, thank goodness he said that, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna leave that for another episode Did throwing fellowship and I would love for y'all to come join.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, come join and please send us a nice picture. Share.

Speaker 1:

Because, to be honest, this might sound terrible, but I've Honestly never traveled anywhere. I'm here in burst Columbia, and I mean I was born in Calgary, alberta, and I think I went as far as Edmonton and then when I came to burst Columbia and whatnot, I think I went as far as maybe Washington. That's about it. I've been all over man Sorry yeah that's, I mean, I haven't been off the continent other than on boats.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, so I haven't been to Europe or I was gonna do these things, but then you know, things happen in life, so I'd love to see, oh, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I want to know if you got people.

Speaker 2:

if you've got people in Europe, sure Australia, sure Africa, wherever, I don't care, just hey, send us some cool stuff.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I want to see that. I don't mind if it's, it's just scenery views, mountains, oh, that's the best.

Speaker 2:

I love those. You can just do that in your, your, your camera phone, you don't have to do anything.

Speaker 1:

Fancy there's gonna be some fancy equipment or anything.

Speaker 2:

No, I just click boom certain places.

Speaker 1:

If you have really cool old castles, I would love it. Oh man, yeah, I like that.

Speaker 2:

And look if you can get cool animal shots or bird shots or whatever that that's cool too, I mean. But I'm not saying you have to go do that, I mean, just you're walking down a trail. Oh, it's a pretty trees click, that'll be cool.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know anything, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

We'll try to do more of that for you.

Speaker 1:

I think we'll do yeah, I'll be, I I post, I try to post pretty I gotta start giving some of my photos I do I do?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I do get photos of my camera right now, my like I Do, but they're usually messed up because the stupid focus. But my phone, at least I can take some shots, so I'll contribute to for sure, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I try to post pretty pretty I mean I'm not gonna say fully, but pretty regularly on the Instagram. You know, you know I posted the mountain shots and I posted.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I think I posted the hell over, if I remember correctly if not, I probably did yeah but I'm pretty sure I did.

Speaker 2:

Well, if we can, if we can get up to a couple other spots that we used to go, we'll have some crazy pictures to share with everybody, because there's there's one or two spots you haven't gone yet, that we haven't been to for a couple years, that have the most nutty views and they're not that far away. That's the thing. They're in the radius of where we live here and it would blow people's minds that that's just like not even an hour away.

Speaker 1:

Let's put that way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so we'll have to do that. Yeah, no I really up with the Eagles, like literally at the level where they're sitting there going hey, how's it going? They're not, we know they're just kind of hanging in the wind. Yeah nice to hang out. Hey, yeah, okay good.

Speaker 1:

No, I really do. I really do feel blast man like that location where I live now. I mean, yeah, it's just so, everything's is right here in my backyard. Basically it's a beautiful oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no, we're right in the heart of a big flyway here of birds and it makes it so easy. But, like I said to you, yesterday we didn't even go eight minutes from home, yeah, and we didn't walk more than maybe a click and we had hundred, hundreds of birds. And today we were ten minutes from home. We stood the same spot for Well four hours, yeah, and we had, I think, what did I add up to be about? Oh, two to three hundred Hawks, something like that. We hit migration. So you know, that's pretty crazy. You know this, that used to be like that in a lot of places around the globe, but because of development and the way people trash the environment, sadly You've got to go further and further and further and further to get that, and yet we're doing that in our backyard still. So we are truly blessed on that. Like I say, do it well, less just every day you can.

Speaker 3:

Who knows what'll happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, but hopefully some of you out there have had similar experience and share it. That'd be really fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. But yeah, so please do that would be amazing. How would we both, we love that, we love that. But yeah, it's been. It's been a great one, man, this has been fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We are. We do apologize, but we are going to try To be more Consistent and regular. Yeah, you know guys, I apologize.

Speaker 2:

It's just Sometimes I get like before I'd come over After the workday and by this time at night because I'm up. I was up really, really more. I was like he's like I guess we're not doing one and I like, well, never mind, pour me into bed not always on you, though.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we talked about it and then you know we get here and I don't know.

Speaker 2:

We'll have to do is have portable mics on and we just go click and then, yeah, you catch me when I'm in my silly mode and, oh wow, off the sensor, some shit, oh boy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that might get a little wild.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, you know I love eventually we will. We'll try to, we'll try to like schedule it. So we'll try to give you, you know, maybe wow, we need, we did everyone at one show everyone to become members and join, so we can do it. What's always at least one show week. But I wanted I love to do more, but at least one show. Little bit more weekly, you know that would be wild.

Speaker 2:

See, I'm thinking we could branch off and do another show off this where it's just crazy wild burning stuff. But I don't know, I mean people have to let me know if that's something. Yeah, I mean I'm really funny person, so when I'm relaxed I'm just yeah, you know, I'm cracking jokes, doing voices, and so it would be kind of like you just laugh, you know well, we will be, uh, Hopefully, starting the YouTube, the video podcast.

Speaker 1:

That'll be fun. Yeah, you know, I mean we're already trying learning to do the on location live, but on location.

Speaker 2:

It's mark and rick nature. Yeah, come and see the Eagles and enjoy the hearts. And tomorrow, yeah, well, you know that's how it is right. I mean, you know, we're just learning as we go.

Speaker 1:

Doing a live on location up on a mountain, that's.

Speaker 2:

Up on a mountain on live location.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Today we're gonna do a little hock watching and a little bird.

Speaker 1:

And on that quarter note. I need my meds anyway, thanks, madness has been awesome.

Speaker 2:

And all of you feel good out there. Okay, yes, it's gonna be okay. If you're down and out, it's gonna be okay. We believe in you.

Speaker 1:

We love you, we, we, we appreciate you and Especially the love and support and the, the patience, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I do appreciate that you're bad. I do, I do, I really do, seriously yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gonna be okay, man, don't forget to follow on Instagram, and I Don't want to call it X, twitter, x for me, known as Twitter. I don't know what. Facebook. Everything's in the description. Subscribe. Exactly what he said. All those lovely things that you know helps us keep the lights on on this show.

Speaker 3:

My belly.

Speaker 2:

Whoa, was that too honest. Well, yeah no, oh, you know what? I think they've got to know me now. Enough that they know that. I know that they know.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, please please subscribe and follow on all that wonderful things that that my pleasure and um. Don't forget to check out. Always need for life. Shop calm for some pretty cool merch if you want some cool stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please jacket.

Speaker 1:

All sorts cool things by the backpack.

Speaker 2:

it's awesome, I have one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I gotta get that coat, though. That's what I want, guys. I want that nice coat he's got on there, so someone's got a ball. The windbreaker yeah, that's pretty nice, I enjoy it. So yes, by the merchant, then we can live again.

Speaker 3:

We can live again, oh.

Speaker 2:

My god, okay, that's it, I'm out. Okay, guys take care of all of you. Good bless yourself. Have a good one we love you, we love you. Yeah, big hug from me man, big hug from the big daddy. See you, man, love you.

Speaker 1:

We appreciate you and, as I always say, you know, let's love one another, be good to each other, because Life is always game for us, so let's be always game for life. All right, peace and love everyone.

Speaker 3:

Let's always get for us. We're always game for life. Let's always get for us, we're always game for life. I saw we skip. For us, we're always game.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Wow, indeed.

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